英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:43:53

2015人民选择奖主持 极品老妈母女同台

        Anna Faris sums up her feelings about the People's Choice Awards in a single word.安娜·法瑞丝用一句话说出了她关于人民选择奖的感受。
        "Terror," says the actress, who will co-host the 41st annual awards, airing live Wednesday from the Nokia Theatre, with her "Mom" co-star Allison Janney.“恐怖,”这位女演员说。她将和“老妈”——与她一同出演美剧《极品老妈》的阿丽森·詹尼共同主持第41届人民选择奖颁奖典礼。本届颁奖典礼将于本周三在诺基亚剧院现场直播。
        "We don't know what we're doing," Janney added as she sat with Faris for a brief interview recently on the set of their CBS sitcom.“我们不知道自己在干什么。”詹尼补充说。她和法瑞丝近日在CBS 情景喜剧《极品老妈》的拍摄现场接受了简短的采访。
        "We've never hosted a show before. I think they're crazy for having picked us. And we're going to prove it," Janney continued with a laugh as Faris giggled beside her.“我们从来没有主持过任何节目。我觉得那些让我们来主持的人一定是疯了。我们会用行动证明他们确实疯了的。”詹尼接着又这样说道,引得法瑞丝在一旁咯咯笑着。
        Previous experience with the People's Choice Awards, which polls the public for its popular-culture picks, doesn't bode well for the two actresses.人民选择奖是对大众文化审美趣味的一种调查。关于人民选择奖,两位女演员先前的经历不容她们乐观。

        Each has been nominated once, last year. And each lost.她们两人都在去年的评奖中获得一项提名,但都落选了。
        And yet "Faris and Janney," as Janney calls them, has emerged as a successful, if unlikely, team.不过,这个被詹尼称为“法瑞丝与詹尼二人组”的组合显然是一个成功的组合,即使这有点出人意料。
        Before the 2013 debut of "Mom," now in its second season, the 38-year-old Faris starred in six big-screen blockbusters — all comedies. The diminutive blonde's calling card is the 2008 box-office hit "The House Bunny," in which she starred as an over-the-hill Playboy model who gets the boot from the mansion and finds success as a sorority house mother.《极品老妈》已经出了第二季了。在2013年《极品老妈》上映之前,38岁的法瑞丝曾在六部银屏大片中出演——这六部大片全都是喜剧。这位身材娇小的金发女郎曾在2008年票房大片《校园兔女郎》中亮相,她饰演的角色是一名过气的男性时尚杂志模特,失去光鲜的工作之后,她成为妇女联谊会的一名女监舍,并获得成功。
        Janney, 55, has a resume that includes Tony nominations, key dramatic film roles in such projects as the Oscar-winning "American Beauty" and six Emmy wins — four for the seven seasons she played White House Press Secretary C.J. Cregg on "The West Wing" and two more Emmys last year for her guest role as a long-suffering gay man's wife on "Masters of Sex" and for her work with Faris on "Mom".55岁的詹尼经历非凡,曾获得托尼奖提名,在奥斯卡获奖影片《美国丽人》中担任过重要角色,获得六项艾米奖——其中有四项是凭借她在播放了七季的美剧《白宫风云》中饰演的白宫新闻部秘书茜·洁·格瑞;另两项分别是凭借《性爱大师》中客座饰演的一位长期忍受婚姻生活的男同妻子一角,和她与法瑞丝合作的《极品老妈》中的角色而获奖。
        "I like to think that, as opposed to one of us being the straight person, one of us being the funny person, that we're both the insane people — just at different moments," Faris said.“我是这样设想的,与其我们两人一个当逗哏,一个当捧哏。不如我们都扮疯子——只是在不同的时候发疯。”法瑞丝这样说。
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