英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:43:23


        She wrote and sang We R Who We R.钱妞曾写过一首热单《We R Who We R》。
        But Kesha didn't believe her own words. Now the pop star has opened up about her body image problems and the pressures on female pop stars in a frank essay she penned for the August edition of Elle UK.《We R Who We R》其实是呼吁人们接受本来的自己,天然的自己,但是作者钱妞却不是按自己歌词里所写的那样做的。八月份的Elle杂志上刊登了钱妞的一篇文章,里面透露了她作为一名流行歌曲女艺人,对于控制体型上所承受的压力。
        'I felt like part of my job was to be as skinny as possible, and to make that happen, I had been abusing my body,' the 27-year-old wrote.27岁的她写到:“我做了艺人之后渐渐觉得控制体型,要越来越苗条也是我工作的一部分,为了能达到这个结果,我伤害了我的身体。”
        'The music industry has set unrealistic expectations for what a body is supposed to look like, and I started becoming overly critical of my own body because of that.'“现在整个音乐界都对艺人的体型有着不切实际的期望,所以对此我开始过度严格要求自己的体型。”
        'I felt like people were always lurking, trying to take pictures of me with the intention of putting them up online or printing them in magazines and making me look terrible.’“我感觉拍照的人无处不在,他们总喜欢拍一些我很丑的照片放上网或是放在杂志里当插图。”
        'I felt like a liar, telling people to love themselves as they are, while I was being hateful to myself and really hurting my body. I wanted to control things that weren't in my power, but I was controlling the wrong things.“我觉得我自己像个骗子,一边告诉人们喜欢本来的自己,不要刻意去强求什么,一边却又厌恶自己伤害自己的身体。我试图去控制一些不在我能力范围内能控制的事情,我好像大错特错了。”
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查看完整版本: Elle杂志刊登钱妞内心独白:做一个艺人不容易