粉丝应邀麦莉演唱会 单膝跪地献胸花
She split up with fiancé Liam Hemsworth last September after just over a year's engagement.仅仅订婚一年,麦莉·赛勒斯就在去年九月和未婚夫利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯分手了。
And nearly six months on, Miley Cyrus is able to joke about the failed love match.这件事过了将近六个月,麦莉·赛勒斯终于能笑谈曾经那段无疾而终的缘分了。
The 21-year-old star made light of her heartbreak on stage in Phoenix, Arizona on Thursday when a fan - Matt Peterson - dropped down on one knee.这位21岁的歌手星期四在亚利桑那州菲尼克斯上台演唱,一位名叫马特·彼得森的粉丝对着麦莉单膝跪地。这让麦莉回想起了她的前未婚夫向她求婚的那一幕,可幸的是,她已经渐渐不再在乎那段心痛的往事。
'I was in this position once before and it didn’t work out too well the last time a guy got on one knee for me. Hopefully this will be better,' Miley said, referring to her ex-fiancé Liam Hemsworth.麦莉说道:“曾经也有一个男生对我单膝跪地,但是最后却分手了。但愿这次比上次的结果会好些。”这男生就是她的前未婚夫亚姆·海姆斯沃斯。
Matt is the Arizona teen who invited Miley to go to prom with him, but unfortunately she couldn't make it.那位名叫马特的粉丝其实是一位来自亚利桑那州的十几岁少年,他曾邀请麦莉和他一起去参加学校的毕业舞会,但是可惜的是,麦莉没有答应他。
'Dear Matt Peterson, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to prom BUT why don’t you come to my AZ show & hang w me? Don’t forget a corsage' Miley tweeted in response.麦莉在推特上回复说:“亲爱的马特·彼得森,我觉得我可能去不了你的毕业舞会,但是为什么你不来看我在亚利桑那州的演出呢?那样我们就可以在一起了啊。别忘了带胸花哦!”
So he took her up on her offer and showed up at the concert with corsage in hand.于是马特应邀出现在了她的演唱会上,手上还拿了一个胸花。
While on stage, Miley serenaded Matt with her song Adore You while he got down on one knee and presented the corsage.当马特单膝跪地为麦莉献上胸花的时候,麦莉也在台上以一首温柔的《Adore You》回赠给马特。
Afterwards, the two new friends posed for pictures and the young fan even got into the spirit of Miley's signature move and flashed his tongue along with her.这之后,这一对新朋友互相拍照留念,马特还学会了麦莉的标志性动作:伸舌头,并且拍下了合照。