Their split made headlines across the world.泰勒·斯威夫特和哈里·斯泰尔斯分手曾经轰动一时,登上娱乐头条。
But Harry Styles and Taylor Swift were last night reunited for one of the first times since their bitter break up at The Weinstein Company's pre-Oscar bash.他们自分手以来就没再公共场合同时出现过,但是这一次在温斯坦影业举办的奥斯卡的预热派对上,他们又一次重逢。
Despite being seated at separate tables at the glitzy affair at the Montrose Hotel in Beverly Hills, the couple were seen having a civil conversation.那天在比弗利山庄蒙特罗斯酒店派对现场,尽管二人没有坐在同一桌,但有人看到他们在一起聊天。
An onlooker said: 'They looked totally fine considering all their history.'一位目击者说道:“他们看上去好像已经完全对他们的过往情史释然了。”
Taylor looked stunning in a cream dress with a dark lipstick, complimented by her new bob.泰勒当天看上去光彩照人,身穿一件乳白色的蕾丝连身裙,搭配深色系口红,新发型波波头靓丽时尚。
While One Direction heartthrob Harry donned a smart Burberry suit for the night.而单向乐队的柔情小正太哈里则身披一件帅气的Burberry外套出席。
The last time the pair were in the same room together, things were decidedly more frosty.而上一回他们两个共处一室的时候,可以说二人几乎冷若冰霜、互不理睬。
Accepting her VMA award for best female video for I Knew You Were Trouble, Taylor appeared to make a jibe at Harry - whom the song is believed to be about.当泰勒的热单《I Knew You Were Trouble》获得VMA最佳女歌手录影带这一奖时,泰勒还嘲讽过哈里,大家都认为这首歌应该是写给哈里的。
The singer said: 'I want to thank the person who inspired this song because he knows exactly who he is, because now I've got one of these' as the camera panned on Harry while his band mates sat smirking beside him.'泰勒说:“我想感谢那个给我以这首歌灵感的人,他自己心里知道这首歌是写给他的。同时摄像机转向了哈里,他的乐队兄弟在旁边笑。”
However, their January 2013 split looked far behind them at the prestigious party.然而,在本次奥斯卡预热派对中二人的表现来看,他们2013年1月分手的不快已经过去了。