英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:42:26

莱昂纳多奥斯卡四度陪跑 粉丝安慰小李不哭

        He has been nominated for Oscars three times before. 在这次奥斯卡颁奖典礼之前,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥已经三次获奥斯卡提名了。
        So Leonardo DiCaprio had no doubt been hoping and praying that it would be a case of fourth time lucky when he received a nomination for his role in The Wolf Of Wall Street. 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥今年又凭借着在《华尔街之狼》中的出色表演,让他第四次获得奥斯卡提名。理所当然,小李无疑是万众期待的奥斯卡获奖大热门。

        However, it wasn't to be, and Leonardo lost out on an award once again as Matthew McConaughey was named Best Actor for Dallas Buyers Club. 然而结果却不尽如人意,莱昂纳多再一次与小金人失之交臂,而马修·麦康纳凭借《达拉斯买家俱乐部》获得了最佳男主角奖。
        But while Leonardo was gracious in his defeat, his fans on Twitter were less than happy that he had once again failed to take home an Academy Award - almost 20 years after he was first nominated for What's Eating Gilbert Grape.虽然莱昂纳多对于他的又一次“进击小金人”的失败并没有表示懊恼,风度依旧,但是他的推特粉丝们对于他的又一次错失奥斯卡并不开心,他自从第一次因为在《不一样的天空》中的精彩表现获得奥斯卡提名,至今已经几乎要20年了。
        Shortly after Leonardo losing the Oscar, Twitter was set alight with those coming out in the actor's defence. 当宣布影帝之后不久,推特上的粉丝们就开始为这位陪跑多年的演员抱不平。

        Radhika Sik tweeted: 'Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.'网友Radhika Sik 发推特说:“如果把奥斯卡比作一场婚礼,莱昂纳多永远是伴郎,从来没做过新郎。”
        And MrTwitchy94 wrote: 'The Wolf of Wall Street but the Goat of the Academy. '网友MrTwitchy94 则写道:“华尔街之狼却成了奥斯卡的陪跑羊。”
        Ashley Bernal wrote on Twitter: 'Well, Leo still doesn't have an oscar. I believe my sanity just exploded...'Ashley Bernal 在推特上写道:“好吧,莱昂纳多又没有获得奥斯卡,我觉得我的理智已崩溃。”
        But Crystal Wilky insisted that Leonardo won't be letting the defeat get to him, writing: 'He might not have won an Oscar yet, but the amount of people routing (sic) for him to do so means so much more than the award.'但网友Crystal Wilky 坚信莱昂纳多并不会受舆论的影响:“他虽然至今没有获得奥斯卡奖,但是能受到那么多人的关注这比获奖更有意义。”
        The hashtag #GiveLeoAnOscar also started trending shortly after his loss.在莱昂纳多错失小金人之后,推特上“赐莱昂纳多一个奥斯卡奖吧!” 迅速成为热门话题。
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