蕾哈娜现身法国 支持德雷克巴黎演唱会
Rihanna and Drake appeared to be having a musical time together at a French nightclub on Monday night. 小天后蕾哈娜和小天王德雷克在星期一晚上一同出现在一家法国的酒吧里狂欢。
The 25-year-old beauty showed more of that zest for living as she arrived at the Palais Omnisports de Paris Percy in Paris, France on Tuesday just hours before Drake was set to take the stage. 而星期二,在德雷克巴黎演唱会开唱前几个小时,这位25岁的美人穿着靓丽地现身法国巴黎的贝西体育馆现场,对德雷克的热情显而易见。
Rihanna was an eye-catcher in a Miu Miu quilted orange coat, black leggings and Converse trainers as she strolled the short distance from car to backstage area.蕾哈娜全身打扮很是抢眼,上身穿着一件Miu Miu品牌的橘色棉服,下衬黑色的打底裤,脚上穿着匡威帆布鞋。她从车上下来后走了几步就进了贝西体育馆的后台区域。
This was where 27-year-old rapper Drake - and her rumoured love interest - was performing that night, another sign that these two are dating.27岁的说唱歌手德雷克,也就是现在和蕾哈娜传绯闻的那个男人,当天晚上演唱会的地点就在此处。这更加证实了他们正在交往。
Rihanna had confidence in every step, looking glamourous in a Cleopatra-inspired black wig.蕾哈娜一头似埃及艳后的黑发看上去很是光彩照人,每走一步大牌范十足,自信满满。
The pair fueled even more speculation that they're an item after being spotted the night before partying into the early hours at Soixante Dix Neuf nightclub.这两个人在前些时间被目击在法国一夜店狂欢到第二天凌晨,而现在又同时出现,引来了人们更多的揣测。