英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:42:18

贝克汉姆抱小七亮相纽约时装周 为贝嫂撑场

        David Beckham, 38, sat proudly on the front row of wife Victoria’s Autumn Winter New York Fashion Week catwalk show on Sunday with baby Harper on his knee. 周日,38岁的大卫-贝克汉姆骄傲的坐在妻子维多利亚秋冬纽约时装周发布会现场的前排,宝贝哈珀坐在他的腿上。
        The star smiled proudly wearing a yellow tie, blue blazer and grey trousers as two-year-old Harper sat comfortably on his knee in a little blue dress with her hair in a top knot. 小贝带着骄傲的微笑亮相,打着黄色领结,身着蓝色上衣和灰色裤子,两岁的哈珀舒服的坐在爸爸腿上,七公主当天穿着带点蓝色的裙子,头上扎了个蝴蝶结。
        Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz were sat next to the retired footballer as they waited patiently for their mother’s fashion show to begin.三个儿子布鲁克林、罗密欧和科鲁兹坐在这位退役球星旁边,耐心的观看着妈妈的时装秀。

        Young Romeo, 11, looked dapper in a smart jacket while Brooklyn, 15, looked like a smart, mini-me of his father David.二儿子罗密欧今年11岁,穿着帅气的夹克衫和15岁的哥哥布鲁克林一起,布鲁克林看上去像极了年轻时的贝克汉姆,十分帅气。
        At one point 38-year-old retired footballer Becks took a selfie of himself and the children as they waited for the other lucky fashionistas to take their seats. 在等待其他幸运的时尚潮人落座的时候,38岁的退役球星小贝一度带着孩子们自拍。
        As the five family members took their place, head of the family David made sure everyone was well behaved as the show began.在家庭五个成员都落座后,一家之主大卫确保每个人在时装秀开始后都乖乖的坐着等待节目的开始。
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