凯特王妃11岁音乐剧曝光 与唐顿男星合演
She has gone from being a commoner to become the Duchess of Cambridge and will one day be our future Queen.她从一个平民变成了剑桥王妃,而且她最终会成为皇后。
But aged just 11, Kate Middleton got an early taste of stratospheric social mobility - by playing Eliza Doolittle, a flower girl taught to pass herself off as a duchess.但早在她11岁的时候,凯特就已经经历过这种身份地位的转变。因为她曾经在音乐剧《窈窕淑女》中出演过女主角伊莉莎-多丽特,剧中她从卖花女摇身一变成了王妃。
Footage has emerged of the audience in fits of laughter as she spoke with a Cockney accent in the lead role in the school production of My Fair Lady in 1993.在1993年出演的学校音乐剧《窈窕淑女》中,凯特刻意模仿女主角卖花女的乡音,逗乐了现场的观众。
In the musical, Professor Henry Higgins spends hours teaching the flower girl to change her voice so she can imitate a society lady after betting he could train her to pass as a duchess at an ambassador’s tea party.在剧中,亨利-希金斯教授用了几个小时来教卖花女如何改变自己的发音,教她模仿上流社会的小姐举止。因为教授和别人打赌可以让卖花女在大使的茶话会上以贵族身份现身。
Her love interest in the production, Freddy Eynsford-Hill, was played by Andrew Alexander, who has gone on to become a successful actor starring as party-loving aristocrat Sir John Bullock in Downton Abbey.在剧中,凯特的真爱由安德鲁-亚历山大饰演,他在热播英剧《唐顿庄园》第四季中出演了贵族约翰-布洛克。
Before meeting Prince William, Kate Middleton reportedly took a fancy to the Downton Abbey actor while at school.据悉,在凯特遇见威廉王子前,她在学校里曾经喜欢过安德鲁-亚历山大。