英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:41:57


        Cantopop star Eason Chan returned to Kingston today, to receive an honorary degree for his outstanding achievements in music from his old university.
        The multi-award winning singer, who quit his architecture course in 1995 to pursue a music career, was among hundreds of Kingston University graduates receiving their degrees at the Rose Theatre today.
        Speaking at a specially-arranged press conference after the ceremony, the 39-year-old said: “I’m actually very moved, and a little nervous. I’ve been nervous for months, and I don’t know why.
        “I’m really glad to be here, to share my joy with my family. I have a crew of about 30 people here today.
        “I’d like to thank Kingston University for the education and this certificate. To graduate here amongst all these other graduates – I just love to see their eyes and their smiles.
        “I can see a light there, and this whole world becoming better and better.”

        Chan moved to the UK from Hong Kong in 1986 at the age of 12, where he attended Dauntsey’s Boarding School in Wiltshire before joining Kingston University as an architecture undergraduate in 1993.
        In the summer of 1995, he returned to Hong Kong and entered the New Talent Singing Awards, which he subsequently won.
        The victory propelled him to stardom, in a career which has seen him record 46 albums and win almost 200 Asian music awards.
        自从1995年离开母校后这是陈奕迅第一次回来,这次回到母校感触良多,看到很多华人师弟妹也感到十分高兴。在整个典礼仪式中他非常紧张,致辞时他称: “大家可以看得出来,我真的非常紧张,也很荣幸得到这个荣誉,我并不觉得自己很成功,一直在学习中,成功对我来说,是有一颗仁慈及充满爱的心,因为我觉得人能做到这个境界才永远无敌不败。”
        陈奕迅感谢母校对他的支持,他会像一众台下的学弟、学妹一样,明天又是新一天,再开始接受新挑战。他相信音乐是世界共 通的语言,随后清唱了几句《天下无双》,获得全场掌声。
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查看完整版本: 陈奕迅获英国金斯顿大学荣誉博士