Lady Gaga has celebrated the upcoming release of her latest album in China. Lady Gaga庆祝新专辑得以在中国发行。
The singer announced on Twitter that China's Ministry of Culture had accepted the release of ARTPOP, three years after her music was banned in the country for vulgarity.这位歌手在推特上宣布中国文化部同意了《ARTPOP》在中国发布的消息。三年前,Gaga的歌曲在中国因内容粗俗被禁止发布。
Gaga said that she now hopes to be able to perform in the country in the near future.Gaga说希望不久可以来中国演出。
I'm so excited!!!! The Chinese Government Approved ARTPOP to be released in China with all 15 songs! Next I hope I can come to perform!— Goddess of Love (@ladyGaga) January 14, 2014“我太兴奋了!中国政府同意了《ARTPOP》在中国发行,而且是全部的15首歌!下一步我希望可以去中国演出!”---Lady Gaga 2014年1月14日
Gaga was one of the many acts banned in China in 2011, when the government announced a blacklist of 100 songs which were deemed too rude.Katy Perry and Backstreet Boys were among the artists previously banned alongside Gaga. Gaga在2011年被中国政府列入黑名单,中国文化部列出100首歌曲黑名单,称这些歌曲太过粗俗。水果姐凯蒂-佩里和后街男孩等歌手都在名单中。