恋爱多年的陈思成佟丽娅终于修成正果,于16日在大溪地举行婚礼。佟丽娅在婚礼前夕发微博幸福地表示:“踏上大溪地的那一刻,我笑了……他懂我,懂我的心思,和我们视若珍宝的爱情。” 大溪地到底在哪里?就让我们一起来探秘这个神秘的地方吧!
Celebrated as the "island of love", Tahiti is the French territory's administrative and commercial backbone. Its breezy cosmopolitan capital, Papeete, sits on Tahiti's northeastern tip and is the gateway to a captivating world of indigenous culture that infuses a chain of islands spread across 5 million square kilometres of sparkling ocean between Australia and South America.大溪地塔希提岛有着“爱情岛”的美称,是法属波利尼西亚群岛的政治和经济中心。澳洲和南美之间的岛屿群辐射500万平方公里大洋,有着迷人的本土文化;坐落在塔希提岛东北部的首府帕皮提则是通往这些本土文化世界的大门,微风拂面光彩熠熠,广纳四海宾朋。
This rugged, remote land was shaped by volcanoes and many of its low-lying islands are ringed by flawless beaches and protected by coral reefs.火山活动造就了偏远的大溪地地形崎岖,众多低洼海岛浅滩环绕、珊瑚礁成群,完美无瑕。
"Tahiti is a picture of paradise."“大溪地美如天堂。”
Hurried tourists keen to experience some of French Polynesia's original soul need look no further than the burst of colour and art that illuminates Papeete every winter.游客们热衷于体验法属波利尼西亚群岛的本土文化,每年冬天都有游客毫不犹豫地前往大溪地,享受那种色彩喷薄、艺术氤氲的风情。
Queen of the Pacific太平洋女王
The heart and soul of the South Pacific, Tahiti is the largest in a chain of islands that make up French Polynesia. The name can either refer to the main island or the entire destination.塔希提岛位于南太平洋中心,其系列岛屿链构成了法属波利尼西亚的全部。“塔希提岛”的名称既可以指主岛也可以指整个群岛。
The Locale岛屿位置
You may be wondering, where is Tahiti? The islands are situated halfway between Los Angeles, California and Sydney, Australia. They are in the same time zone as Hawaii and located just as far south of the equator as Hawaii is north. Since the word often conjures up visions of a distant, unspoiled paradise, many assume them to be far away; but in all reality, Tahiti is only eight hours from Los Angeles.你可能想问:塔希提岛在哪?塔希提群岛位于加州洛杉矶和澳大利亚悉尼中间,与夏威夷群岛同处一个时区,隔赤道与夏威夷群岛南北相望。在人们眼中塔希提岛是一个世外桃源般纯粹的天堂,所以许多人认为它很遥远;但实际上它离洛杉矶只有八小时路程。
The Allure魅力之岛
Papeete is a vibrant and multicultural city with busy boulevards and a bustling harbor. The downtown municipal market, Le Marché, is an exciting place to purchase all things Tahiti including vanilla beans and monoi oil. 帕皮提是一个文化多元、生机勃勃的城市,林荫大道车水马龙,繁忙港口熙熙攘攘。市区的公共集市是购物者的天堂,在那里可以买到各种塔希提岛特产,比如香荚兰豆和大溪地萃取油。
Tahiti is a scenic island with lush landscapes and large abounding waterfalls. You will find shady hiking trails, pleasant beaches and calm waters. This unique juxtaposition makes Tahiti one of the most diverse islands in French Polynesia.塔希提岛风景优美,瀑布众多,山路绿树成荫,沙滩秀丽,水面祥和;多风貌并存,特色鲜明,是法属波利尼西亚最富多样性的岛屿。