比伯和赛琳娜疑复合 晒搂脖亲密照
They caught the eye on Thursday when they cruised through Californian suburb Calabasas on a pair of Segways – prompting rumours of a romantic reconciliation. 当地时间周四加利福尼亚郊区的卡拉巴萨市,贾斯汀·比伯和前女友赛琳娜·戈麦斯被拍到一起骑赛格威电动平衡车——关于他们复合的传闻又开始了~
Taking to his Instagram account the following day, Justin Bieber gave credence to those whispers by posting a black and white shot in which he appears to be enjoying another, more intimate moment with former girlfriend Selena Gomez. 紧接着似乎是要给这些传闻添一些佐证,贾斯汀·比伯在Instagram 放上了他和赛琳娜在一起的黑白照,显然他和享受和前女友赛琳娜·戈麦斯的亲密时光。
With the 19-year-old singer holding his smartphone aloft, the raven haired beauty – who bears a striking resemblance to the former Disney star - is seen with an arm draped around his neck while she gently rests her chin on his shoulder. 这位19岁的歌手举着他的智能手机自拍,一头乌黑美发的前迪士尼明星赛琳娜把胳膊搭在比伯的脖子上,下巴靠在他的肩头上。
An accompanying caption reads: ‘Love the way you look at me.’标题上写着:“(我)喜欢你看着我的样子。”
The attractive pair zoomed along the sun-filled streets of the celebrity enclave as Bieber, ever the showman, flaunted his skills on the motorized vehicle.这对引人注目的前情侣疾驰在洒满阳光的街道上,比伯则不断在车上展示自己的技巧,不停耍帅。
Indeed, Bieber could be seen a dozen yards ahead of Selena as he kept pace with a male friend, who matched the pop idol in a snap back cap, white T-shirt, and jeans.比伯似乎技术的确不错。可以看到比伯领先赛琳娜12码,和一名男性友人并驾齐驱,两人均反戴鸭舌帽,白T恤配牛仔裤的简单打扮。
Twitter user Nick Sanitsky posted a picture of the pair on the unusual mode of transport and wrote: 'Bieber and Selena segwaying in the Oaks. She was so nice, so he yelled at us (sic)'.推特用户Nick Sanitsky上传了这对情侣不同寻常的交通方式,然后写到:“比伯和赛琳娜在奥克斯玩玩代步车,她人很好,所以他冲我嚷嚷。”