Courteney Cox and Matthew Perry had a mini Friends run-in on the set of Cougar Town in LA on Wednesday. TBS announced in November that Matthew would be appearing on the show for a guest stint. This isn't the first time that the onscreen couple have reunited since Friend swent off the air in 2004 — Courteney made an appearance on Matthew's short-lived NBC show,Go On, and the two met up with Jennifer Aniston on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in May. 当地时间周三洛杉矶,柯特妮•考克斯和马修•派瑞在《熟女镇》片场来了个迷你版《老友记》重聚。TBS11月份宣布马修会在此剧中友情客串。这也不是这对荧幕夫妻自2004年《老友记》完结后第一次荧幕重聚了—考克斯在马修短命的NBC喜剧《生活向前冲》中客串,他们两个五月份还在詹妮弗•安妮斯顿参加的那期《艾伦秀》中碰面。
Cougar Town has been a hot spot for cameos from Friends stars. Lisa Kudrow appeared on the show during its first season, and Jennifer met up with her pal Courteney in the second season. Now all that the show is missing is an appearance from David Schwimmer and Matt LeBlanc!《熟女镇》中来了很多《老友记》主演客串,莉莎库卓(《老友记》中饰演菲比)在第一季时客串,詹妮弗(《老友记》中饰演瑞秋)在第二季和朋友柯特妮重聚,现在本剧就差大卫•施维默(《老友记》中饰演罗斯)和马特•勒布朗(《老友记》中饰演乔伊)这两位没出现了!