Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays arole in many education systems. Does the usefulness of the learning method
outweigh its limitations?
Memorization of information by frequent repetition has always been regarded
as one of the most effective learning methods by a large number of people. While
others believe that the usefulness of this approach may be overshadowed by its
limitations. In this essay, I would like to anaylize whether the function of
memorization outweigh its limitation.
On one hand, by frequent repetition of the fundamental information learners
can have a basic idea as for what the knowledge is and therefore better learn
how to put it into practice. Memorization takes place all the time throughout
the whole learning process. By being memorized the primary information can be
firmly mastered, thus the essence can be learned step by step. And only by
keeping the specific information in the mind can one adeptly take advantage of
what he or she has learned. For example, lawyers speak on behalf of the
defendants in the court. They have to memorize a large amount of laws so that
they know how the laws related to the case function and how they can prove that
the defendant is innocent.
On the other hand, rote learning also has its limitations, which makes it
impossible to gain all the knowledge only by recitation. Some of the subjects
like arts and literature can by no means be accomplished by memorizing
information. Artists are never expected to learn the essence of art by
memorizing others` works; otherwise the subject would be misunderstood.
Likewise, a writer can never know how to write only by reciting articles
collected from different areas.
In conclusion, it is really hard to say whether the function of
memorization brings more to learners than its limitation does. There is no doubt
that memorizaton is benefitial to learners in the process of learning, but its
limitation can also be noticeable at the same time. As a result, some other
learning methods can be applied for the sake of the learners.