英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:41:30


        As one of the premiere members of Hollywood's A-list, Brad Pitt has graced the cover of many a magazine, from People to GQ to W.作为好莱坞明星中的明星,布拉德-皮特登上过众多杂志封面,从《人物》《绅士季刊》到《W》通通一网打尽。
        And now, as he celebrates his 50th birthday, he's reached a new milestone: AARP The Magazine.现在,在他庆祝50岁生日的同时,他也登上了一个新的里程碑——《美国退休人员协会》杂志。
        The organization concocted a special cover in celebration of Pitt's 50th on December 18, welcoming him to their neck of the woods.美国退休人员协会12月18日在皮特50岁生日的当天把他的照片合成了封面,以庆祝皮特光荣加入。
        "Acclaimed Actor, Producer, Humanitarian and Family man, Mr. Pitt Joins the Club," the cover's headline reads.这份杂志的封面头条这样写道:“作为一个备受赞誉的好演员、好制片,同时也是一名人道主义者和绝世好爸,皮特先生现在加入到了我们退休协会。”

        But, as is probably the case with his award-winning wine, Pitt's only getting better with age. The star managed to turn around the beleaguered zombie thriller "World War Z" in time for summer blockbuster season, and was rewarded with strong reviews and enough box office success to spawn a sequel.但是就像酒越陈越香一样,皮特似乎越老越有味道。他适时地在暑期强档前成功转变了僵尸惊悚片《僵尸世界大战》的颓势,让这部影片好评如潮,票房全线飘红到甚至有拍续集的打算。
        This fall, he's had another hit with the acclaimed -- and awards season front-runner -- "12 Years A Slave," which he helped produce and also has a small role in.今年秋天,皮特参与制片并在其中参演一个小角色的电影《为奴十二年》领跑颁奖礼,而他也再次让电影界刮目相看。
        Off set, Pitt told Esquire magazine earlier this year that he was completely content as he headed toward the big 5-0.今年上半年,皮特在《君子》杂志的采访中称,他马上就要迎来50岁,并且他对自己的现状非常满意。

        "I have a handful of close friends and I have my family and I haven't known life to be any happier," he said. "I'm making things. I just haven't known life to be any happier."他说:“我有很多知心好友,还有一个美满的家庭,同时我还在尝试新的事物。还有比这更幸福的日子吗?”
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查看完整版本: 不老男神布拉德•皮特迎来50岁生日