英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:41:11

小贝夫妇登法版Vogue封面 真爱至上

        They've been married for 14 years, but appear to be stronger than ever.他们结婚14年,比以往任何时候都要更加坚不可摧。
        And now Victoria Beckham has opened up about just what has made her and David go the distance, as the pair posed for a series of smouldering shots for the December issue of Paris Vogue magazine.现在,维多利亚公开自己和丈夫是如何演绎永不放弃的。小贝夫妇俩一起为12月的巴黎版Vogue杂志拍摄暧昧时尚大片。
        Victoria, who also guest edited the Christmas issue, said: 'David and I have been through so much together. We’ve had our ups and downs, but we’re so proud of each other.'维多利亚还被Vogue杂志邀请担任圣诞特辑的嘉宾主编,她说,“我和小贝一起经历了风风雨雨,起起落落,但我们都为彼此感到骄傲。”

        The mother-of-four added that it's not only her who is proud of David, but also each of their four children.维多利亚如今是四个孩子的母亲,她表示,不仅自己为丈夫感到自豪,他们的四个孩子也都为爸爸感到骄傲。
        She added: 'We’ve always been – and I include the children in this – amazingly happy about the success David has achieved. All those matches where we stood cheering on the terraces.'她说,“我和孩子们总是一起热烈地庆祝小贝获得的成功。我们都会站在看台上为他的比赛加油助威。”
        On the cover shot of the magazine, Victoria and David are captured in a romantic pose, photographed in profile with the former footballer embracing his wife.在这次的封面拍摄中,小贝夫妇摆出了浪漫的姿势。照片中,小贝紧搂住自己的娇妻。
        David is seen gazing at his the former Spice Girls star, while Victoria closes her eyes as if anticipating a kiss from her handsome husband.小贝凝视着维多利亚,而维多利亚则闭上双眼,好像在期盼着一个来自丈夫的热吻。
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