英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:40:36


        She wasn’t present at a photo-call conducted earlier that day, but Jennifer Lawrence made up for her absence on Monday night when she arrived in London’s Leicester Square for the premiere of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. 虽然周一早些时候缺席了拍照环节,但詹妮弗·劳伦斯晚上亮相《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》在伦敦莱斯特广场的首映式弥补了之前的遗憾。
        With the chilly weather in mind Jennifer decided to keep her red coat on as she signed autographs for fans at the event before peeling it off to reveal a sweeping backless dress from Christian Dior. 因为天气寒冷,詹妮弗在给粉丝们签名时一直穿着她的红色外套,直到后来才脱下,完整展现她的这件迪奥露背裙。
        Hundreds had camped overnight in chilly conditions, and they were present on a wet and windy night in the capital to catch sight of the cast.当天有数百名影迷冒着严寒天气在这里露营过夜,他们在刮风下雨的晚上出现在这里,只为一睹演员们的风采。

        The Silver Linings Playbook star admitted she loved having the chance to play a strong female character.这位主演了《乌云背后的幸福线》的女星接受采访时坦言她喜欢有这样一个出演强悍女性的机会。
        She said: 'It's really exciting, we don't see a lot of females in positions like this hero part that Katniss is.'她说:“这很让人兴奋。我们不经常会看到像凯特尼斯这样的女性英雄角色。”
        'I think Katniss is a very good role model, she's strong and not afraid to stand up for what's right.' “我认为凯特尼斯是一个非常棒的榜样,她很坚强、始终坚持对的事情不退缩。”
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查看完整版本: 劳伦斯现身《饥饿游戏2》伦敦首映