英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:40:18


        Robert Pattinson carried a takeout meal when he left a studio in LA yesterda. On Tuesday, Rob resurfaced on the scene when he attended a screening for the new documentary Seduced and Abandoned in LA. 暮光男主罗伯特·帕丁森昨天离开在洛杉矶的工作室后带着外卖出现。周二,罗柏在纪录片《诱惑与遗弃》在洛杉矶放映现场亮相。

        The screening marked a rare party appearance for Rob, who hadn't been photographed at a big event since the 2013 Golden Globes earlier this year.自从2013金球奖后,罗柏基本没在任何大型活动中亮相了,这也是他这么久以来罕见的出现在这种场合。
        Fans of both Rob and Fifty Shades of Grey may have been disappointed to learn yesterday that the Twilight actor was not cast as the new Christian Grey. Instead, the role went to studly Irishman Jamie Dornan. 罗柏的粉丝们也从昨天获悉他确实不会出演《五十度灰》的男主克里斯蒂安·格雷这一颇让人失望的消息。此角色将由爱尔兰人杰米·多南替代。
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