英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:39:58


        If Jennifer Aniston decides to one day have a child, it will be on her own terms.如果有一天詹妮弗·安妮斯顿决定要一个宝宝,那么一定是以她自己的方式。
        During an interview on CBS This Morning Sunday, the Wanderlust actress complained that it's "very narrow-minded" for people to assume she's unhappy without a baby to nurture. "That doesn't measure the level of my happiness or my success in my life, in my achievements, in any of that."在周日接受CBS访谈的时候,这位《漫游》女星抱怨说人们认为她没有孩子就不开心是非常狭隘的想法。“我的幸福,我的成功,我的成就,所有的一切都不是以我有没有孩子来丈量的。”
        The actress, who's currently dating Justin Theroux, 40, added that she doesn't give "a crap what other people think" and she's happier "than I've ever been."这位正在与40岁的Justin Theroux交往的女星还说道,自己“从不在意其他人是怎么想的”,而且自己现在“比以往都要快乐”。
        At 43 years old, "I feel great," Aniston told host Gayle King. "I feel like I'm 30. I honestly didn't start to feel my best until was in my 30s. Physically, I started eating better and taking better care of my body, in terms of being physical and exercise."在她的43岁,“我觉得好极了!”安妮斯顿对主持人说。“我感觉自己只有30岁。事实上,直到我30出头了我才这么觉得。在身体调养方面,我开始健康的饮食,好好照顾自己,多多锻炼。”
        "I think it's important every year to celebrate your birthday and be excited about it," an exuberant Aniston told King, 57. "I'm 43 and it's great!" “我认为每年庆祝自己的生日并对其感到高兴是一件很重要的事。”精力旺盛的安妮斯顿对57岁的主持人说,“我才43,我感觉棒极了!”
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查看完整版本: 詹妮弗•安妮斯顿:有宝宝不一定令我幸福