英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:39:53


        There's no denying it: Benedict Cumberbatch is one to watch.毫无疑问,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇已成为人们关注的焦点。
        From portraying Julian Assange in the upcoming thriller, The Fifth Estate, to morphing into the villain Khan in the summer blockbuster Star Trek Into Darkness (and that's only naming a few performances this year), the 37-year-old British star dished to Time about emerging into the spotlight and being recognized in some pretty unusual places.在今年夏天的热门影片《Star Trek Into Darkness》中,卷福变身大恶人 Khan;而在即将上映的《The Fifth Estate》中,他将扮演 Julian Assange 一角(以上只是他今年的一部分工作),这位37岁的英国演员向《时代周刊》透露了他成名后在不寻常的地方被认出的经历。
        The actor, who will be seen in the star-studded family drama August: Osage County next year, chatted about his experience filming in rural Oklahoma where he predicted he would be able to blend-in with the locals.卷福参演众星云集的家庭剧《August: Osage County》,拍摄地在俄克拉荷马州的乡村地区,他以为自己将会默默地融入乡村生活,而不被当地人认出。
        "I thought, Oh, I won't get recognized here," he told the mag in their latest issue. "But the first café I walked into, the waitresses were like"—and here he tries to imitate a gum-chewing Midwestern accent—"‘Oh my God! Aren't you on television? Don't you play Sherlock Holmes?' It's amazing the spread of that thing, it's incredible."“我想,嗯,我在这里不会被认出来的,”他在最新一期的《时代周刊》中透露,“但当走进第一家咖啡厅时,女服务生们都表现出(此处卷福模仿了美国中西部好似边嚼口香糖边说话的口音)‘噢,天哪!你不是个电视明星吗?你不就是演福尔摩斯的那个人吗?’电视的传播力太神奇了,简直不可思议。”
        And even though you get the impression he appreciates the attention, Cumberbatch admits that being in the spotlight does not allow him to keep his private life, well, private.看起来他好像很享受于这种关注,但他承认在镁光灯下,他的私人生活变得不再私人。
        "Every time I'm seen at a bar with a girl, I get photographed," he revealed with a sigh. "Anyone who has a computer knows my entire dating history. I get it. Paparazzi is an inescapable, immovable obstacle."“每次我跟一个女生走进酒吧的时候,我都会被拍,”他无奈地说道,“每个有电脑的人都知道我的恋爱史。我知道,狗仔是逃不开和躲不掉的。”
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