英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:39:42


        During a sit down with Darren Aronofsky for Interview magazine, Scarlett Johansson asked the director what his SAT score was, and ended up revealing her own:在与导演 Darren Aronofsky 一起接受 Interview 杂志的访问时,斯嘉丽·约翰逊问起导演的 SAT 得了多少分,同时也暴露了自己的分数:
        "I think the way it worked when I took them was that they were out of 1,600, so maybe you'd get a 1,240 if you were a smarty-pants. I got a 1,080, which was pretty low. But that was probably because I didn't answer half of the math questions."“我记得我参加 SAT 考试的时候,满分是1600分,如果你考了1240分,你就算是挺聪明的了。我考了1080分,算是比较低的分数。估计因为有一半以上的数学题我都没答。”
        The 29-year-old "Don Jon" actress would have taken the SATs around 2002, at which time the average score was 1020, making 1,080 slightly above average. "Brains and beauty," as they say.这位29岁的《唐璜》女演员大约是在2002年的时候参加了 SAT 考试,当年的平均分是 1020分,1080分刚过平均线。“美貌与智力的关系”,你懂的。
        SAT测验(中国大陆非官方音译为“赛达”),曾称作学术能力测验(Scholastic Aptitude Test)和学术评估测试(Scholastic Assessment Test),是由美国大学委员会(大约4,300所美国大学共同组成的文教组织)委托美国教育测验服务社(ETS)定期举办的测验,做为美国各大学申请入学的重要参考条件之一。
        第一次考试于1926年举办。SAT测验分为SAT推理测验(SAT Reasoning Test,后称SAT I)和SAT学科测验(SAT Subject Test,后称SAT II)。目前的SAT I为2005年版,耗时3小时45分钟,费用$50(国际生源$81,不计迟到费)。总成绩分值为600 - 2400分,由三个800分部分(数学、批判性阅读、写作)组成。参加SAT或ACT考试是许多,但不是全部美国大学的录取要求。一些英国在内的许多其他国家的大学也开始承认这项考试。
        >>>小美女蝉联 Esquire 杂志评选的“年度最性感女人”
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