囧瑟夫公开恋情 女友是圈外人
Sorry, ladies—Joseph Gordon-Levitt is off the market. During his first-ever interview with SiriusXM's Howard Stern Show on Tuesday, Sept. 24, the Don Jon star revealed he's been seeing someone special.对不起了姑娘们,约瑟夫·高登-莱维特已经名草有主。本周二,在他第一次做SiriusXM's Howard Stern Show 采访时,这位《唐璜》男演员透露了他现在正在和一个特别的人约会。
"I have a girlfriend but I tend not to really like to talk about it in public," the 32-year-old actor said. "She is not in show business." He declined to say how long they've been together.“我已经有女朋友了,但是我不想在公众面前讨论她,”这位32岁的男演员说道,“她不是娱乐圈的人。”他也拒绝告诉我们他们在一起多久了。
Gordon-Levitt repeatedly refused to identify his girlfriend, though he did reveal that they met through "mutual friends." Asked if he's in love, he replied, "Oh, jeez, man! Come on! This is getting private."囧瑟夫一再强调拒绝谈论他的女朋友,尽管他已经透露了他们是经由他们共同的朋友认识的,当问到他是否在恋爱中,他回答道,“老天啊!拜托,这可是隐私哎~”
Clearly uncomfortable discussing his love life, Gordon-Levitt explained why he's been keeping his romance on the DL. "I get up in movies, so when the audience is watching me in movies, I don't want them thinking about me and who I'm dating, and blah blah blah," he said. "I want them to see the character, the story that I'm telling."很显然,囧瑟夫不愿意谈论他的恋爱对象,他解释道,“我每天起床去拍电影,所以当观众在电影中看到我时,我不想让他们想到我在和谁约会之类的事情,我想让他们专注于我扮演的角色,和我想要讲述的故事。”