英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-13 21:39:16


        She's a regular fixture at her mother's fashion shows, and has become something of a lucky mascot over the past two years.她(七公主)是妈妈时尚走秀台下的常客,在过去两年里她似乎已成为妈咪秀场的吉祥物。
        So when it came to allocating seats for Victoria Beckham's New York Fashion Week show on Saturday, her daughter Harper had pride of place on the front row.周六在维多利亚·贝克汉姆的纽约时装周走秀台下,当分配座位时,她的“吉祥物”哈珀自然获得了前排的席位。
        The adorable two-year-old was seen sitting with her father David as the pair watched designs from the hugely talented Spice Girl-turned-designer walk the runway.这名两岁的可人儿和她爸爸大卫坐在一起,观看这位从 Spicy Girls 中走出的天才设计师设计的作品。
        Harper looked picture perfect for the occasion in a pale blue baby Chloé summer dress, with her long hair tied up in a bun, and little pumps, as she sat on her father's lap.哈珀在照片中很美,她坐在爸爸的腿上,穿着Chloé的宝贝款淡蓝色夏裙、踏着小高跟,她的长发被绑成一个小圆面包的形状。

        In fact, the little girl was so cute in her ensemble that even Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour was seen giving her an indulgent smile as Harper chatted away to her.事实上,这个小女孩的整体造型非常可爱,连《Vogue》时尚杂志的总编辑安娜·温图尔在跟她聊天的过程中都一直忍不住对她笑呢。
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