上个月,湖南永州一名女子在马路上碰瓷一名女司机,双方讨价还价之后,女子拿到了20元,竟高兴的跳起舞来。她自称半小时能讹250元,搞钱是为了打麻将。她在微博上火了,可是这下火的可不是什么好事啊。The scam may be as old as the automobile itself: A fraudster throws himself
in front of a vehicle and demands that the driver pay for his self-inflicted (or
nonexistent) injuries. But in an age of ever-present cameras, it’s getting a lot
harder to pull off.
There are scores of videos online that capture these scams, known in China
as “pengci,” or “porcelain bumping.”
Some attempts have resulted in broken bones or even death on the part of
the “professional porcelain bumpers,” as they are known.
There is no reliable information on the scale of the fraud, and it is
usually not prosecuted. For many victims, paying a bit of cash is preferable to
arguing with the perpetrator.
The term “pengci” derives from the practice of dishonest shopkeepers
placing a porcelain item in a spot where it was likely to get knocked over and
broken, allowing them to claim damages from the “clumsy” customer, said David
Schak, an anthropologist at Griffith University in Australia.
Videos of the modern scam started appearing on China’s internet several
years ago, and the perpetrators have become the butt of jokes and a source of
public entertainment.