英语自学网 发表于 2017-3-8 12:10:58


  I have to say for me, I've always believed it, in a fairy tale kind of
          You know, like the way you believe in Santa Claus or the story of
Cinderella, etc..., and I have to admit that though I've become older, I gotta'
tell you that I, in a small way still believe in those dreamy fairytales, call
me crazy, but I do!
          I mean even though I learned that my family was the actual (Santa Claus) I
still believe, in that story.
          But with that being said, I always believed that love at first sight indeed
happens. I just never believed it could or actually would happen to me, in my
          I encountered this years ago, it was one of the most amazing things that
has ever happened to me.
          I mean, I really felt like I was shot by an arrow of cupid.
          It happened just as simple as this; he walked in, my head was down, he
asked me a question, I looked up to respond and our eyes locked; I can't even
begin to describe the feeling that entered inside of my being, my mind, my
entire soul...
          I felt at that moment I had no control over what I was feeling.
          I then gave him what he asked for, he said thank you, I replied, you're
          The feeling was so strong and electric, it was undeniable that he felt it
          I still remember the look on his face, his facial expression manifested the
way I was feeling on the inside, like WOO!!!
          Which to me translated all wrong because my dress was wrinkled, my hair was
a mess, my mind was in a shambles because (behind the scenes of my life) I was
handling, juggling, carrying and experiencing so much and it seemed that I was
on my way to a break down and it seemed like God knew what to do, because in
that moment of meeting that guy and and having that eye locking experience for
that second (or however long it was) I was in Euphoria.
          My eyes followed him to the door and after he was gone, I found I could
breathe. I felt like I could do and be anything when he left. So, back to the
question, do you believe in love at first sight?
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