英语自学网 发表于 2017-2-16 19:39:43


          中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)的范畴很广,包括一系列具有相同基本概
念的医学实践。这个概念起源于中国古代,已经历了数千年的发展。中医诊法包 括把脉(measure the
          Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) includes a broadrange of medicine
practices sharing common basicconcept which originated in ancient China and
has:evolved over thousands of years. TCM diagnosisincludes measuring the
pulse,inspecting the tongue,skin, eyes and asking about the eating and sleeping
habits of :the patient as well as many otherthings. TCM's complexity and
underlying conceptual foundations present challenges forresearchers seeking
evidence on how it works. Most researches focus on specific treatmentmodalities,
primarily I acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies.
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查看完整版本: 2016年12月英语四级翻译模拟练习题:中医