英语自学网 发表于 2016-12-24 09:36:30

第一次约会的5个大坑!掉进去基本就bye bye

        We want our first date to be perfect. We feel nervous, and tension is impossible to avoid. Do not worry! Your date is going through the same feelings and emotions.我们都希望第一次约会很完美。我们以为紧张和不安是难免的,不要担心!你约会的对象也有同样的想法和感受。
        1. Trying to Order a Perfect Dish试图为TA点一道好菜
        Most women do not want to make mistakes while picking dishes. Simply order your favorites and enjoy your food! If the date goes wrong, then you at least will not be disappointed with the food choice.大多数女孩不想点错菜。只点你最喜欢的菜就行,好好品尝。如果约会不顺利,至少不会对食物也很失望。
        2. Looking for Hints and Clues寻找暗示和线索
        Being too prejudiced and judgmental is not ok. Looking for hints and clues helps us determine how compatible the person we are dating is.有过多偏见、作出过多判断都不好,寻找一些暗示和线索能帮我们确定约会对象是否适合相处。

        3. Busy with Your Phone刷朋友圈
        An educated and intelligent person realizes that texting your friends while being with your date is impolite. Please do not sit at the table using your cell phone. This may offend the person you are on a date with.受过良好教育和明智的人都知道约会时给朋友发信息不礼貌。千万不要坐在桌子旁摆弄手机,这会让约会对象感觉不被尊重。
        4. Staring盯着看
        Do not let your mind wander. Stay focused on what is being said to you by your date. Take part in the conversation. Avoid ending up staring at him. You will look silly.不要走神,要注意听约会对象在跟你说什么,也要给出回应。不要最后盯着对方看,这样看起来很傻。
        5. Trying to Look and Sound Witty想要表现得幽默
        Be yourself at all times. Let your date feel comfortable. Find some common topics to talk about and find out more about his interests.你要一直做好自己,让对方感觉舒服。聊一些双方都感兴趣的话题,多了解他的兴趣。
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