英语自学网 发表于 2016-12-14 20:41:34


        NEW Zealand Prime Minister John Key resigned in an apparent act of love, citing the “sacrifices” his wife and family have faced.新西兰总理约翰·基高调因爱辞职,论及其妻子与家庭的“牺牲”。
        During Mr Key’s resignation speech, he talked about the many family events he had missed during his eight years as PM.基先生辞职演讲中谈论到任总理的八年时间里错过了诸多家庭事务。
        The relentless time spent away from family had finally taken its toll, and Mrs Key was the catalyst for change.时光无情,远离家庭最终付出了代价,基太太是此次变化的催化剂。
        Despite denying Mrs Key had given her husband an ultimatum, the Herald“understands that Key’s wife Bronagh asked him to resign”.尽管(新西兰)《先驱报》否认了基太太已给出最后通牒一说,但表示“理解基太太布罗娜要求他辞职"。
        Mr Key said he plans on staying in New Zealand and focusing on family. His 21-year-old son may be less happy at losing access to what some have suggested was a “lavish” lifestyle.基称他计划待在新西兰,以家庭为重。他21岁的儿子也许就没那么高兴了,因为可能要失却“奢侈”的生活方式。
        Key’s daughter, Stephie, is an artist who uses her body to express her feminism ideals. Last year, she sprung into the spotlight after exhibiting her first solo artwork in Paris, but it was the subject of the matter that raised eyebrows.基的女儿思黛菲是名艺术家,用身体来表达女权主义思想。去年,她在巴黎首度展示了其独立艺术作品,一跃进入公众视野,但引人侧目的却是她本人。
        Mr Key and his wife are high school sweethearts, who married in 1984. “Bronagh has made a significant sacrifice during my time in politics, and now is the right time for me to take a step back in my career and spend more time at home,” Mr Key said.基与其太太是高中相恋,1984年成婚。“布罗娜在我政治生涯里牺牲良多,现在正是我事业后退一步,在家多投入的时候了,”基如是道。
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