英语自学网 发表于 2016-12-13 18:23:33


        Celebrity couple David and Victoria Beckham have reportedly got their eyes on a £160million Los Angeles mega-mansion which has 14 bedrooms and 27 bathrooms. The Manor is the largest home in LA County - sitting on 4.6 acres with a staggering 123 rooms.据报道,明星夫妇大卫·贝克汉姆和维多利亚看上了位于洛杉矶价值1亿6000万英镑(约14亿人民币)的“超大豪宅”,这个庄园有14个房间和27个浴室。这座庄园是洛杉矶最大的住宅,约合4.6英亩(18615平方米),拥有123个房间。
        It has become their most desired property after they put their Bel Air home - worth £24million - on the market.在准备卖掉现住所(Bel Air)价值约合2400万英镑的旧居后,这座庄园成了贝克汉姆的心头好。

        The pair, who got married in 1999, have created a list to help them choose a new home which meets the needs of their four children, reports The Daily Star Sunday.据《每日星期天星报》报道,贝克汉姆和维多利亚于1999年结婚,他们列了一个清单来帮助他们选择一个新家,确保能满足他们四个孩子的需要。
        Their new home needs a catwalk for 42-year-old Victoria's fashion work, an area for Brooklyn, 17, and his friends, and a dance studio for five-year-old Harper.他们的新家必须满足维多利亚(42岁)时尚事业的需求,时不时搞个时装秀,还能为17岁的儿子布鲁克林和他的朋友提供聚会场所,以及能让5岁的小七拥有一件舞蹈房。

        And the French chateau-style 56,000 square-foot mansion - which has a tennis court and swimming pool - certainly fits the bill.这座具有法式风格,占地56000英尺的豪宅绝对物有所值,因为它还拥有网球场和游泳池。
        It includes a gym, bowling alley, four two-car garages and the space to park 100 cars.它还包含健身房,保龄球馆,4个两车位车库,以及可以容纳100辆汽车的空地。
        The lavish property shares a resemblance to the couple's former UK home in Hertfordshire, which was dubbed Beckingham Palace. 这座豪宅与贝克汉姆位于英国赫特福德郡,有“贝金汉宫”之称的豪宅有诸多相似之处。
        A source told: 'The Manor has everything the Beckhams are looking for. 据知情人士透露:“这座庄园正是贝克汉姆一家想要的.”
        'Victoria and David are so famous they don't need to worry about living somewhere to "be seen" - in fact it's more the opposite. ‘维多利亚和贝克汉姆太有名了,他们不需要担心生活在某个地方会“被看见”——事实上,情况正好相反。

        'Posh loves the Manor as she said it reminded her of Beckingham Palace.' ‘维多利亚喜欢这个庄园,因为她说这里会让她想到贝金汉宫’
        In 2009, The Manor was put on the market for $150million (£120million) - making it the most expensive listing in the US. 2009年,这座价值1亿5000万美金的庄园出售,成为美国最贵的房产。

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