英语自学网 发表于 2016-12-11 16:31:14

麦乐鸡每块都有英文名 吃麦当劳多年的你才造?!

        McDonald's has revealed that their Chicken McNuggets come in four different shapes - shattering the illusions that the shapes are simply random.麦当劳已经证实他们所售的鸡块有四种不同的形状,打破了一些人认为鸡块是随机形状的看法。
        And a spokesman for the company has revealed the reasoning behind the varying shapes, explaining that they were designed deliberately and that each nugget actually has a name.一位麦当劳的代言人揭开了这不同形状的秘密所在。鸡块都是有意设计的而且事实上每一种鸡块都有自己的名字。
        The crunchy treats are known as either the 'bell,' the 'boot,' the 'bone' and the 'ball' although the nuggets seem to have slightly different names in different countries.尽管在不同的国家名字有区别,但这些脆脆的可口鸡块是人们熟悉的“钟形”,“靴子形”,“骨头状”,“球形”形状。
        On a Q&A forum on McDonald's website one patron of the restaurant, called Stew from British Columbia, Canada, asked the company: 'Why do your Chicken McNuggets only come in four shapes?'在麦当劳网站的答疑论坛上,一位来自于加拿大英属哥伦比亚的老主顾Stew问道:“为什么你们的麦香鸡块只有四种形状呢”。

        The spokesman replied: 'The four shapes we make Chicken McNuggets in was the perfect equilibrium of "dipability" and fun. 麦当劳代言人回答道:“我们麦香鸡块的四种形状是方便蘸取和趣味的完美结合”。
        On a different occasion a spokesman again stressed that the nuggets are designed for dipping and to be fun for kids.在其他的场合,麦当劳的代言人再次强调麦香鸡块的设计是为了让孩子方便蘸取同时吃的有趣。
        'Our Chicken McNuggets are shaped uniquely for kids and kids at heart. Plus, we think it makes dipping all the more fun,' the representative said.“我们的麦香鸡块是独特为孩子设计的,时时把孩子放在心上。另外,这样的设计方便孩子蘸取,变得更有趣”。这位代言人解释道。
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