Essay Topic>
Nowadays families spend little time doing things together, such as eating together at the same table. What are the reasons that parents spend less time with their children? What is your opinion about this development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Example Writing
Family connection has become less valued as parents begin to prize their professional activities over shared time, and meanwhile sit-down meals are becoming less frequent than before. Chiefly for economic reasons, families do not matter as much anymore as they once did. In some families, get-together dinners are few and far in between--often not by choice, but by necessity.
Financially, most adults must necessarily work hard in order to keep their heads above water. Indeed, it is hard for parents to achieve the balance between their routine work and family lives, even though they want to. Consider, for instance, that when both parents are employed, neither would have time enough caring for their youngsters, let alone finding time for hobbies and recreation. Long before eventual parenting, people are already faced with the complexity of professional life and rising cost of living. Small wonder, therefore, that there is a trend in some countries to get married at an older age and also have their children later in life. This situation applies to young employees whose jobs require a lot of time traveling. In a later situation, it might be like that, in a typical two-income family, children often have to guess if their Mom or Dad or both are coming home in time for dinner.
Although it is understandable, a rare family meal is an indication of how little time some parents can have to spend with their families. In fact, the evidence shows that modern families seldom eat together as a great number of parents all but abandon their families, and literally work themselves to death. It also reveals that the very notion of the family dinner as a sit-down occasion is gradually vanishing. By and by, families eat apart, being hardly possible to join at the table on a regular basis. So, there is less face-to-face connection since working parents ought to to eat "on the run" while rushing from one appointment to another, before getting home late at night, only to miss a sit-down meal with their kids. Such problem seems increasingly inevitable because competition in almost any workplace has become so keen that no ambitious parent can afford to do otherwise.
In former times, it used to be a daily joy for families to eat at the same table--a symbol of family reunion. A tendency to the contrary is of course not in the best interest of children, who ironically also become self-centered like their parents, although in different ways. No matter how compelling the reasons why families are not as close as before, it is hoped that the need to work longer hours would not be the beginning of the decline of those simple values on which much of our family happiness depends . (Jeenn Lee Hsieh)
猫头鹰实验范文部分编号(May 2012)
海外大学教师谢振礼(Jeenn Lee Hsieh)
OWL: Online Writing Lab.
Writing Tutorial Services
在线写作实验(OWL)范文编号(不按数字次序)配以四言汉文简称。2012年英文原创(Example Writing)已部分投稿到专业网站发布。
一面>作文逻辑(Logical Thinking)--"Supporting the thesis logically with evidence"
1. 主题的焦点(A Well-focused Thesis),2. 结构的组织(A Well-organized Structure),3. 内容的支持(A Well-supported Content)。
一面> 英文文法(Grammatical Writing)--"Writing grammatically at rhetorical, syntactic and lexical levels"
A. 语言的修辞(Language Effectiveness),B. 句型的变换(Sentence Variety),C. 字汇的恰当(Word Choice)。
18句的装配--起3承6转6合3。起中有合,合中有起。中体两段(承+转)论证。所以第一段Introduction申论主题,第二段Body A与第三段Body B发展论证,支持主题,第四段Conclusion重申主题。