英语自学网 发表于 2016-12-5 20:41:26


        What Happens To Your Body When You Don't Eat Breakfast?不吃早餐对你的身体有何影响?
        @Craig Good
        You can't skip breakfast. It's the first meal you eat in the day, no matter when it is.你不可以不吃早餐。这是你每一天的第一餐,不管你什么时候吃。
        If you're wondering what happens if you don't eat soon after awaking, the answer is usually not much. For some people it causes overeating behavior later in the day, and other people get some benefits in things like energy and concentration. But there's nothing particularly important in general about what time you eat or how many meals you take in a day.如果你在想像如果醒来之后不吃早餐会导致什么后果,通常答案是“没什么”。对于一些人来说,可能会导致在今天剩下的时间里暴饮暴食,而有些人会从中得到活力甚至注意力更加集中。但是关于你什么时候吃或者一天之内吃几餐其实并不重要。
        @Akash Sehrawat
        Technically speaking从技术上来说,
        ‘Breakfast’ is the first meal of your day, irrespective of what time you have it!早餐时你每天的第一餐,和你什么时候开始吃无关。
        But, speaking from a conventional point of view, usually people associate having a meal between 7am to 10am as their breakfast.但是,从传统角度来看,通常人们在早上七点到十点之间吃早餐。
        So, in those terms I haven't had my breakfast for past many years now (I think 4+ now).即使这么说,我也已经好多年没吃早餐了(我想应该有四年多了)
        If you have heard about the concept of Intermittent Fasting which suggests eating in a limited window of time. IF can be done in various way.如果你曾经听过间歇性禁食,提倡在有限时间内进食。间歇性禁食可以有多个方式。
        I prefer to eat between 12pm to 8pm. Then I typically fast from 8pm until 12pm the next day.我喜欢在晚上12点到晚上八点吃东西,然后我将在翌日晚上8点到晚上12点禁食。
        The only thing that I do have during the fasting period is:在禁食期间我只会喝:
        -Black Coffee黑咖啡
        -Matcha Tea抹茶
        -Vegetable Juice蔬菜汁
        @Susan Michelle
        In a recent survey by the National Weight Control Registry, people who ate breakfast were more successful with long-term weight loss than those who regularly skipped the first meal of the day.据国家体重控制管理局调查表明,吃早餐的人会比经常不吃早餐的人减肥效果更加显著。
        Taking breakfast helps your metabolism and can help prevent overeating later on. Additionally, a healthy first meal has been linked to boosted brainpower and mental performance throughout the day.吃早餐有助于你的新陈代谢,预防你过后吃过多。另外,健康的第一餐将促进智能、脑筋反应力发挥一整天。
        If you don't eat breakfast you'll experience body weakness. If you keep skipping the former then there's no point in having a heavy lunch you gotta eat something after waking up to avoid weakness如果你不吃早餐,你将感受到一股四肢无力的感觉。如果你一直不吃早餐,即使你午餐吃得再丰盛,也唤不醒身体的无力感。
        P.S: I had been skipping breakfast for like 2 years I experienced body weakness and some sharp pain in heart periodically. 附言:我曾不吃早餐长达2年,切身感受到身体无力感以及定期强烈的心痛感。
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