英语自学网 发表于 2016-12-5 19:22:28


  1.The older New England villages have changed relatively
little__________________________(除了一两个加油站有所变化)in recent decades.
          2. _______________________ (食用太多的脂肪会导致)heart disease and cause high blood
          3. ____________________ (是我们的长期政策) that we will achieve unity through
peaceful means.
          4. As one of the world's highest paid models, she _______________
          5. ________________________ (多亏大量的食品输送) from the entire globe, these
countries have for many years not felt any population pressure.
          1. except for a gas station or two / one or two gas stations
          2. Eating too much fat can contribute to
          3. It is our consistent policy
          We find it difficult to prevent people from doing that.
          It’s no use talking without doing.
          It’s a well-known fact that the development of a country depends on the
quality of its younger generation.
          4. had her face insured for five million dollars
          5.Thanks to the enormous flow of food
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