英语自学网 发表于 2016-12-4 18:26:19


Christmas is arriving quickly, it’s time to get that Christmas party hairstyle. Our experts have picked some really amazing Christmas party hairstyles which you should try this Christmas. Christmas is the perfect time of the year to experiment with a new hairstyle.圣诞节马上就要到啦,是时候来打造圣诞派对发型啦。我们精心挑选了一些超级惊艳的圣诞派对发型供你尝试。圣诞节是一年之中最适合换新发型的啦。
        Buns Hairstyles丸子头

        Some classic christmas hairstyles are Ballet buns, low buns and top knots which are great for the festive season.圣诞节的经典发型就是芭蕾丸子头,低低的丸子并在上方打个结对圣诞节而言真是在适合不过啦。
        Curls and Waves Hairstyles卷发或波浪发

        Nowadays even curls and waves are in style and look perfect on any type of hair length.如今甚至是卷发和波浪发都是非常流行的发型,对于任何长度的头发而言都适合。
        Side Braids Hairstyles侧边麻花辫

        The latest side braids are another amazing christmas hair trend. Side braids are simple yet elegant. These hairstyles are pretty simple to achieve, you just need to know how to.最新的侧边麻花辫又是圣诞节的一大流行发式。侧边麻花辫形式简单却不乏优雅气息。这些发型很容易完成,知道怎么做就行了。
        Updo Hairstyles高髻盘发

        You can never go wrong with an updo hairstyle, as these hairstyles are perfect for any party or occasion. You can choose to go with a twisted one or a side parted updo to look perfect for your christmas party. The updo hairstyles are sure to make you look gorgeous, especially if you plan on wearing a gown.高髻盘发永远都不会是错误的选择,因为它适用于任何派对和场合。你可以选择扭结盘发或是侧边盘发,都能够使你在圣诞派对上光彩夺目。高髻盘发定会是你看上去美丽动人,尤其是当你穿上长礼服的时候。
        Messy Bun Hairstyles凌乱丸子头

        If you are the types who wants to keep it simple, yet look fabulous, then the messy bun style is for you. These hairstyles are fun, easy and make you look amazing.如果你想使得自己的发型看上去尽可能简洁而不是华丽的话,那么凌乱的丸子头就再适合不过了。这发型很有意思,简简单单就能使你看上去很不错。
        Sleek ponytail整洁的马尾

        Another popular yet simple hairstyle to give you that chic look for the christmas party is the Sleek ponytail, which can be done in just few minutes.还有一个流行而简单的发型而且能够使你在圣诞派对中看上去潮爆了的发型就是一个整洁的马尾辫——几分钟就能搞定。
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查看完整版本: 最适合圣诞的6款发型:约会派对再也不愁啦!