英语自学网 发表于 2016-12-4 13:29:15


          Obama Calls on Trump to 'Stand Up' to Russia
          LONDON — President Barack Obama brought his message of America’s enduring
unity and cooperation to the heart of Europe Thursday, stressing to Germans and
all Europeans that the United States will continue to engage with the world.
          Obama called on his successor, Donald Trump, to “stand up” to Russia,
saying his hope is that the president-elect takes a “similarly constructive
approach” as he did, “finding areas where we can co-operate with Russia where
our values and interests collide.”
          "I don't expect the president-elect will follow exactly our approach, but
my hope is that he does not simply take a realpolitik approach and suggest if we
cut some deals with Russia, even if it hurts people or violates international
norms or leaves smaller countries vulnerable or leaves long-term problems in
regions like Syria, that we do what's convenient at the time," Obama said during
a news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin.
          Seeking to reassure Europe
          The U.S. leader chose Germany as the main stop of his final overseas tour
as president. The country is Europe’s top economy and U.S. trading partner, an
important member of NATO and host to thousands of U.S. troops.
          Observers have also suggested Merkel could be emerging as the most
prominent liberal voice in a region where nationalist movements are gaining
          This last trip marks President Obama’s sixth visit to Germany.
          “There will be no return to a world before globalization,” Obama and Merkel
wrote in a joint editorial published in the German business
weeklyWirtschaftsWoche before the U.S. leader’s arrival.
          Obama’s message was meant to reassure European leaders who are nervous
about what some perceive as America’s turn toward isolationism as reflected in
remarks made by President-elect Donald Trump during his campaign.
          Candidate Trump criticized Merkel
          Trump called into question the relevance of NATO, praised Britain’s
decision to quit the European Union, and criticized Merkel’s policy of admitting
hundreds of thousands of migrants, most of them Muslims, into Europe. During his
campaign, Trump referred to Merkel as “a great world leader,” but said her
decisions on immigration issues were “tragic” and a “catastrophe.”
          Analysts say Merkel’s calls for migrant quotas among EU nations have fueled
nationalist movements across Europe, including Germany, and were a key factor in
British voters’ June decision to leave the European Union.
          Far-right populist movements have also made gains in Germany following the
migrant crisis, and Merkel’s party has suffered losses, including in her home
          Possible 4th-term run
          She is now weighing whether to run for a fourth term as chancellor. During
her news conference with President Obama, she said that decision would not be
announced on Thursday.
          On Friday, the outgoing U.S. president will meet with leaders of Britain,
France, Italy and Spain before heading to Peru for the Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation summit.
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