英语自学网 发表于 2016-12-4 13:29:14


          Trump, Pence Weigh Key Appointments to Their Administration
          U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence are
meeting Tuesday about key appointments in their new government, with aides
signaling that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani could be named secretary of
          Trump and Pence have more than 4,000 jobs to fill in the U.S. government as
they prepare to assume power January 20, but their immediate focus is on filling
the top diplomatic post and that of defense secretary, attorney general and
Homeland Security chief. All are positions that present the government's face to
the world and help lead the country's fight against terrorism.
          The 72-year-old Giuliani has no previous foreign policy experience; but,
Trump associates say he has emerged as a narrow favorite to become secretary of
state. He was a loyal supporter of Trump during the billionaire real estate
mogul's lengthy run for the presidency leading to his stunning upset win a week
ago, often appearing on television news shows to promote the Trump
          The blunt-spoken Giuliani gained national prominence during his tenure as
New York mayor more than a decade ago. For many Americans, he became a symbol of
U.S. resolve in the fight against Islamic terrorism in the aftermath of the 2001
terrorist attacks on New York and Washington that killed nearly 3,000
          At the time, he said, "Tomorrow New York is going to be here. And we're
going to rebuild, and we're going to be stronger than we were before...I want
the people of New York to be an example to the rest of the country, and the rest
of the world, that terrorism can't stop us."
          Giuliani's appointment, however, is not certain. Trump aides say the
president-elect also is considering other names, including that of John Bolton,
a hawkish former diplomat who was the country's United Nations ambassador under
President George W. Bush. Bolton has been a regular television critic of the
foreign policies of President Barack Obama, contending that he has needlessly
diminished the country's standing in world affairs.
          National Security adviser, Defense Secretary
          U.S. media reports say that another Trump supporter during the election
contest, retired Army General Michael Flynn, once the head of the U.S. Defense
Intelligence Agency, is a possible pick as national security adviser. Alabama
Senator Jeff Sessions, an early Trump campaign adviser, could be named secretary
of defense or attorney general, the country's top legal position.
          A Trump spokesman, Jason Miller, said Trump and Pence, meeting on the 26th
floor of the president-elect's Trump Tower in New York, would "be reviewing a
number of names" for key positions.
          "There will be non-traditional names, a number of people who have had
wide-ranging success in a number of different fields," Miller said. "People will
be excited when they see the type of leaders the president-elect brings into
this administration."
          One conflict Trump is facing is between his vow during the campaign to
"drain the swamp" in official Washington and now his need to find qualified
officials with experience to handle the government's most challenging
          Chief of Staff , Chief Strategist
          So far, Trump has made just two appointments. He picked Reince Priebus, the
chairman of the Republican National Committee, as his White House chief of
staff, a selection applauded by Republican leaders who control both houses of
          Trump's choice of Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist has drawn
widespread criticism from Democrats and some groups outside the government.
Bannon was the Trump campaign's chief executive, joining his election effort in
its last months after leading Breitbart News, a website he once described as
"the platform of the alt-right," which occasionally has been the home to white
nationalist and anti-Semitic vitriol and anti-women views.
          Trump is set to become the country's 45th president and the first ever to
never have been elected previously to public office, or served in its military
or been appointed to a high-level government position.
          Popular vote vs Electoral College
          He also will be the fifth White House occupant who lost the popular vote in
the presidential election but won through the country's Electoral College system
of picking its leaders. In essence, U.S. presidential elections are a series of
state-by-state contests, with the winner in each collecting all the electoral
votes. The biggest states hold the most sway in the Electoral College, where
Trump, when all the votes are counted, is likely to finish with a 306-232 edge
over his Democratic opponent, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary
          But Trump, because he won narrowly in numerous states, while Clinton had a
large vote count advantage in two of the biggest states, California and New
York, trails her in the popular vote count by more than 670,000 votes.
          Trump, in the past, has attacked the two-century-old Electoral College
system as a "disaster for a democracy" and said in a television interview after
the election, "I would rather see it where you went with simple votes."
          In tweets on his Twitter account Tuesday, Trump said, "The Electoral
College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller
ones, into play. If the election were based on total popular vote I would have
campaigned in N.Y., Florida and California and won even bigger and more
          Clinton and Trump both contested the large southeastern state of Florida,
which Trump won, but neither campaigned much in New York or California, where
Clinton's dominance ahead of the election was a foregone conclusion.
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