英语自学网 发表于 2016-12-4 13:29:13


          Trump Denies Reports His Transition Is in Turmoil
          U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is denying press reports his transition
team is in turmoil over arguments over who will get top national security
appointments in his administration.
          Things are "going so smoothly," Trump wrote Wednesday on Twitter. "Very
organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions.
I am the only one who knows who the finalists are."
          The comment followed U.S. news media accounts that his transition was in
turmoil after his aides pushed out two of his national security advisers from
the transition group.
          Trump singled out The New York Times for its report on his transition
efforts, saying that one of the world's leading newspapers "is just upset that
they looked like fools in their coverage of me." He said the newspaper's "story
is so totally wrong on transition."
          The Times also reported that the State and Justice departments, as well as
the Pentagon, have yet to hear from anyone from the Trump team, more than a week
after the election.
          Vital contacts
          Such contacts during the transition period are not just routine, they are
vital so that officials can hand off detailed briefing packages to their
successors in time for the new government to take power on January 20.
          Trump also tweeted that reports he is trying to get "top-level security
clearances" for three of his adult children — Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and
Ivanka Trump, and possibly her husband, Jared Kushner — is "a typically false
news story."
          All four, who helped advise Trump during the campaign, have also been
helping the president-elect with key appointments.
          Some of the transition talks have centered on whether to name former New
York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as secretary of state. The 72-year-old Giuliani has
little foreign policy experience. However, he was a staunch advocate for Trump
throughout his campaign, often appearing on television news shows to defend
          There are questions about Giuliani's overseas investments, particularly in
Venezuela and Qatar, that might prove to be conflicts of interest.
          "Rudy Giuliani fixed New York City,” said U.S. Congressman Blake Farenthold
from Texas. “If he can fix our foreign relations, that would be great. If you
disqualified anybody who had business dealings abroad from a cabinet post,
that's a pretty long list of people you would disqualify."
          Trump aides have described Giuliani as the narrow choice as secretary of
state, with former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton and South Carolina
Governor Nikki Haley as other possibilities.
          Other news reports say Trump is considering Steven Mnuchin, a Wall Street
financier and Trump's campaign finance chief, as treasury secretary.
          As he arrived Wednesday at Trump Tower in New York, Mnuchin said Trump's
economic priorities include tax and trade reform and plans to boost job growth
by fixing the country's deteriorating infrastructure.
          "You got the Republican Party coming together, you got Trump going through
the list of people that are coming to visit Trump Tower and the folks that
they've announced already are pretty popular,” Farenthold said. “Obviously,
nobody likes everybody."
          Trump has made two White House appointments so far. He named Reince
Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, as his chief of
staff, a selection applauded by many Republicans.
          Trump's choice of Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist has drawn
widespread criticism from Democrats, some Republicans, and civil rights
          Bannon was the Trump campaign's chief executive. He formerly led Breitbart
News, a website that has printed white nationalist and anti-Semitic vitriol. But
some of those who know Bannon deny he is an anti-Semite.
          Current New York Mayor Democrat Bill de Blasio, often a Trump critic during
the campaign, said he met with Trump for an hour Wednesday, telling the
president-elect "why people are so deeply concerned" about this
          De Blasio said he told Trump that New Yorkers, who voted overwhelmingly for
rival Hillary Clinton, oppose his plans to deport up to 3 million undocumented
immigrants with criminal records and to rescind controls on Wall Street that
were enacted in the aftermath of the country's steep recession in 2008 and
          The mayor said he had "respectful, candid" talks with Trump, but declined
to characterize Trump's reaction to his comments.
          Biden-Pence meeting
          Meanwhile in Washington on Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden and his
wife, Jill, hosted incoming Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen, for
lunch at their official home on the grounds of the U.S. Naval Observatory. Biden
said he hopes the Pence family will enjoy the house as much as he does.
          When a reporter asked him if he thinks the Trump administration will be
ready on day one, Biden said, "No administration is ready on day one. We weren't
ready on day one. I've never met one that's been ready on day one. But I'm
confident on day one everything will be in good hands and they'll be able to
handle everything that comes before them."
          Katherine Gypson on Capitol Hill contributed to this report.
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