英语自学网 发表于 2016-11-30 08:57:41


  A. All students pay the same amount per year.
  B. Students choose how many meals a week they will pay for.
  C. Students can get money back for meals that they don't eat.
  D. Some students can get free meals at the cafeteria.
  A. They can invite guests to have meals at a reduced price.
  B. They receive cards that allow them to be served first.
  C. They can help decide what will be on the menu.
  D. They pay less per meal than those who don't always eat there.
  A. By paying for meals one at a time.
  B. By borrowing a student's meal card.
  C. By ordering their meals in advance.
  D. By buying a weekend meal card.

entwo 发表于 2016-11-30 09:13:53

  M: Hey Linda, did you get that letter about the new options for food services next year?
  W: Not yet. Are there a lot of changes?
  M: There sure are. Instead of paying one fee of all meals for the whole school year, we will be able to choose by seven, ten, fourteen or twenty-one meals per week. They give you a card with the number of meals for a week marked on it.
  W: That's a big change. And a complicated system.
  M: Yeah. But it will be much better for people who don't eat three meals a day, seven days a week in the cafeteria because they don't have to pay for meals they don't eat.
  W: So what's the deal for those who do eat at school all the time?
  M: It's better for them too. Because the more meals you contract, the cheaper each one is.
  W: I see. Still sounds complicated.
  M: True. It took me several hours to figure it out. I decided to go with the ten meals.
  W: Why is that?
  M: Well, I never eat breakfast and I often go away on weekends. So the ten meal plan gives me lunch and dinner each weekday at a fairly low price.
  W: And what about the weekend when you are on campus?
  M: Well, there are often guests on campus at weekends. So they allow you to buy single meals on a walk-in basis on Saturdays and Sundays. The price per meal is much higher in that way. But it will still be less for me to pay single prices on the weekends rather than sign up for the fourteen-meal-a-week plan.
  W: Oh, I'll have to sit down and figure out how I can get the best deal.
  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. What's the main feature of the new method of paying for meals?
  解析:男士说:“我们可以选择一周7、10、14和21餐。他们给你一张卡,上面标着一周几餐。”所以B正确。对话一开始就提到“new options for food service”这个话题,整个对话都是围绕这个话题展开,所以我们很自然要找出“What are the new options?”的答案。B中的how many meals a week是对话中seven, ten, fourteen or twenty meals per week... the number of...的概括。
  20. How does the new plan benefit students who eat all their meals at the school cafeteria?
  解析:对话中听到“So what's the deal for those who do eat at school all the time?”时,就要集中注意力听下文。男士说:“他们订的饭越多,每顿饭就越便宜。”所以D正确。所有选项都是以They作主语,而根据上一题的选项内容,大致可以判断应该是指学生。选项内容都是在描述好处,可猜测本题目问学生就餐的好处。对话中的“the cheaper each one is”对应选项D的“pay less per meal”。
  21. How can weekend guests have meals at the cafeteria?
  解析:男士说:“我们学校周末经常会有很多访客。学校允许他们在周末临时买单独的一餐。”所以A正确。所有选项都是“by doing sth.”的结构,语法上是回答“how”的问题,故基本可以推断出题目。对话中的“single meals”对应选项A的“meals one at a time”。同义替换为答案。
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查看完整版本: 2016年12月英语六级听力真题预测203