英语自学网 发表于 2016-11-30 08:57:06


  A. Because many people aren't sociable.
  B. Because most people are shy by nature.
  C. Because nobody will laugh at shy people.
  D. Because shyness is difficult to overcome.
  A. By prediction.
  B. By recording.
  C. By observation.
  D. By examination.
  A. To observe people's attitude towards strangers.
  B. To see how people get along with their friends.
  C. To test people's behavior in social life.
  D. To find out how shy people are.

enone 发表于 2016-11-30 09:27:11

  Are you afraid to raise your hand in class, even when you know the answer? If you are, most people would say that you're shy.
  If you feel shy, you're not alone. Nine out of ten people are at least a little shy. But however shy you are, scientific evidence seems to show that it isn't your fault. You may have been born that way.
  How do psychologists measure shyness? One way is by observation. They keep detailed records of people's actions-like how often these people speak to others, or how long it takes someone to say hello to a stranger.
  Another way to measure shyness is to ask people questions. The test only takes about 10 minutes. It asks questions like "Do you like going out a lot? " and "Do you have many friends?" People must answer either yes or no. These questions can predict how people actually behave in social situations. Suppose the test tells you that someone is shy. Chances are good that a person will act shy.
  When scientists measure shyness, they're really comparing degrees of shyness. In other words, when researchers say people are shy, they really mean they are more shy than others.
  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  26. Why does the speaker say that it isn't a fault to be shy?
  解析:短文说,你可能天生就是那样(害羞)。所以B正确。从选项可知,题目问的是“为什么……”。话题与shy有关,而且是解释原因。所以听到该现象描述后要知道随后会解释why。选项B中的... by nature是对原文be born...的同义表达。
  27. What is one of the ways suggested by psychologists for measuring shyness?
  28. What is the purpose of the psychologists in asking questions?
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查看完整版本: 2016年12月英语六级听力真题预测202