Quora 精选:如何才能更快地记住东西?
How Do I Memorize Faster?如何才能更快地记住东西?
获得97好评的回答@Lukas Schwekendiek
Repetition is really the best way to memorize things faster, but there are still a couple more tips:重复是最快记忆方法,不过也还有其他一些小窍门:
Chunking the information.将信息组块化。
Set up Triggers/Reminders.建立一个提醒自己的方法。
Add a unique habit. 养成一个独特的习惯。
Do not watch TV or play video games right afterwards.在记忆之后不要看电视或者打游戏。
Connect it to other pieces of information you know. 将记忆内容与其他你所知的信息联系起来。
Study more frequently but less long.加大学习频率,但缩短学习时间。
Learn before going to bed or take naps after learning.在睡觉前学习,或者在学习之后小睡一会。
Teaching others.把自己所学教给别人。
获得807好评的回答@Nela Canovic
Tip # 1: Use a timer.建议一:使用计时器。
It’s incredibly difficult to focus on any subject if you know that you’ll be spending hours at your desk studying. For targeted study sessions, use a timer to create small deadlines you can work towards. The benefit? Your brain can focus in a more targeted and effective way, all in a shorter time period.当你知道你需要花上好几个小时学习时,你根本没法集中注意力在任何一个科目上。当你的学习任务可以被明确地划分成块的时候,使用计时器来制定你可以持续学习的最短期限。好处是什么?你的头脑可以在目标明确、高效的方法下,并且在最短时间内,集中注意力学习。
Tip # 2: Teach what you learned.建议二:将所学的教给别人。
One of the most powerful memory techniques that people don’t tap into is recalling newly learned information by teaching it to someone else. The benefit? It helps you review, recall, and retain what you’ve learned in a much better way than just silently looking over the material.最有效的记忆技巧之一就是将所学的新信息教给别人。好处又是什么?它可以帮助你复习、回顾,重新掌握你所学习的内容,这比起你静静地坐在那里看材料效果更佳。
Tip # 3:Build a memory palace.建议三: 建立自己的记忆宫殿。
Tip # 4: Visualize your progress.建议四:设想自己已经进步。