Imagine you are carrying around a faux Prada bag you bought for sixdollars. It looks real. It feels real. But how long can you keep convincing
yourself that it is?
Relationships all too often work the same way. Eventually, the fake label
falls off, the seams bust, the handles break. The quality just isn't there.
There are many days we feel clueless, and riddled by blind spots. We rarely
understand the difference between 'faux and full' when it comes to
relationships. Too often our relationships masquerade as real, and we spend
countless months trying to build on something to get us to the next phase, only
to discover that we’re trapped by a faux love that's actually going nowhere.
When a relationship is real, it's growing; it's going somewhere. You have
shared interests, and there's an unspoken acceptance. And without these building
blocks in place, you're setting yourself up for a pile of agony and
Even from the beginning, in that very first week, we all know when
something is wrong. It's very easy to absorb misinformation, to create and
spread an underlying assumption that you're somehow incomplete if you haven't
found your soul mate.
Try taking this litmus test: The next time you are facing a snag of doubt,
try going back to the first week you met, or an early moment where you felt
something was off. Take a minute and see how your body feels; you may experience
uneasiness or a bit of fear. Your body is telling you something crucial. Trust
it, explore it, and it will reveal what you need to know.
It isn’t wrong to want an ideal love. We all want one. And we have a
perfect right to believe that such a love is possible in this life. Not a faux
love. A full love.