91,极度贫穷的 proverty-stricken92,沟通技巧 communication skill
93,核心家庭和大家庭 nuclear and extended family
94,加强家庭联系 strengthen family bonds
95,两代的冲突 generation clash
96,社会地位和权利 social position and power
97,生活背景和经历 life backgrounds and experiences
98,思维方式 way of thinking
99,思想狭隘的 narrow-minded
100,缩小差距 bridge the gap, narrow the gap
101,西方文明 western civilization
102,心理素质 psychlogical quality
103,置若罔闻 turn a deaf ear to
104,自我为中心的 self-centered
105,接受新思想 embrace new ideas
106,经济资助 financial aid
107,受过良好教育的人民 a well-educated population
108,用完 run out of
109,正规教育 formal education
110,内心世界 inner world
111,体力活动 physical activity
112,闲暇时间的活动 leisure hour
guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers
under the intense pressure of highly competitive surroundings
know the hardship and bitterness of life
116,一个公认的事实 a generally acknowledged fact
feel exhausted and overwhelmed by heavy workload
118,实现某人的社会价值 realize one's social values
Traveling enables students not only to accumulate knowledge about history, culture, geology and local traditions, but also to edify their mind and spirits.
The most important thing for an interviewee is to make it obvious why he can do the job better than anyone else.