With the extinction of many precious animal species, a large sum of moneyhas been spent on the protection of wild animals. However, some people hold the
opinion that this money should be spent on the human race.
These people argue that we have not solved the countless problems of our
own, why should we spend so much money on other animals? For example, millions
of people in Africa are dying from hunger, many people are still suffering from
fatal diseases, air pollution is getting worse and worse, etc.
I have to admit that those problems, demanding huge sum of money, do exist.
However, that does not mean we can ignore the wild animals. To start with, it is
us human beings who are chiefly responsible for wild animal extinction and thus
it is our responsibility to protect them. We destroy millions of acres of
tropical forests, leaving the animals with no place to live. We contaminate
water in rivers and lakes, poisoning most of the animals there. We even directly
kill animals to satisfy our appetite or to make profit out of their furs, etc.
What we do results in great disasters in the animal kingdom; for instance, we
can only see the dodo in pictures now. Moreover, the dying-out of one animal
species means one unrecoverable missing link in the ecological balance, which
will then have bad effects on our human race. Ecologists say that the day when
only people exist on earth is the end of the world. (251 words)