英语自学网 发表于 2016-10-18 17:55:32






        Thrillist请到专业照片编辑师Drew Swantak(他的Ins号是@drewswantak),让他来专业滴告诉我们怎样做能制作出比使用滤镜效更好的照片(其实滤镜通常会让照片更糟)。

        Brightness: Pretty straightforward, this can brighten up a dark image and darken a bright one.亮度:简单的说,可以把偏暗的照片调亮,把偏亮的照片调暗。

        Contrast: When turned up, it exaggerates the darks and lights in an image, and softens them when turned down.对比度:调高,会画面中的明暗对比更夸张,反过来则会更柔和。

        Saturation: Increasing this adds strength/intensity to the colors in your image, and vice versa.饱和度:调高,会提升增个照片颜色变得更鲜艳,而反过来做的效果则相反。

        Warmth: Turning this up brings out "warm" colors (oranges, red, and yellows, generally); turning it down brings out "cool" colors (like blues, purples, and greens). This tools can be used to change the mood of a photo, or to bring colors into balance.色温:上调会加重照片中的暖色调(橙色、红色和黄色等等),下调则会加重冷色调(蓝色、紫色以及绿色等等),这个功能可以改变照片的基调,或者平衡照片中的颜色。

        Sharpen: Turning this up focuses and clarifies your image and makes everything a little crisper.锐度:调高这项可提高照片的清晰度,让照片看起来更干脆。

        Highlights: Adjusting this will affect all of the brightest parts of your image -- bumping it up will make the brightest parts of your image even more vibrant, and moving it down will bring down the brightness in those sections to reveal more detail in them that may have been washed out by excessive light. This can be a huge help if a particular section of your image is blown out by a too-bright light source or the sun.高光:这个功能会影响这个照片最亮的部分,调高会让照片中的亮部更加明亮;调低则可以使这些部位暗下来,使之前被强光掩盖的细节显现出来。如果你的照片中有个部位被强光或太阳照得太亮,这个功能就能帮大忙。

        Shadows: This does essentially the same thing as Highlights, but for the dark areas of an image. So turn it up to see what's hiding in the shadows, or turn it down to darken.阴影:这个功能与高光功能原理相同,不过它调节的是画面中暗的部分。调高它可以使阴影中的细节显露出来,调低则能让暗部更暗。
        Situation 1: Low-light portrait状况1:偏暗的人像
        Best filter option: Lark最佳滤镜:云雀

        The edit: For this image, we brought the brightness up about 40 points to compensate for the crappy lighting, brought contrast up 20 points, increased the warmth by 10 points, brought the saturation up to five, and sharpened it up to10. Brightness and contrast do a lot of the work in a low-light edit. Also, it's important not to over-saturate. It can be tempting, especially if the lighting is poor, but a little goes a long way (especially when you're turning it up). An over-saturated image often looks like it's been over-edited, and you don't want that. 对于这张图,我们将亮度调高40来弥补它糟糕的采光,对比度调高20,色温调高10,饱和度调整到5,锐度调整到10.亮度和对比度的调整对于偏暗的照片非常有效。同样要注意,饱和度不要过高;虽然这个功能看起来很诱人,但只要一点点效果就会很显著(尤其是调高的时候)。饱和度太高的照片通常看起来太过头,你应该也不想要那样的效果。
        Situation 2: Landscape状况2:风景
        Best filter option: Lark最佳滤镜:云雀

        The edit: For this we bumped up the contrast by 25 points, bumped up brightness by 20, and increased the sharpness by 10. We also raised the warmth by 30 in order to balance the image, which balanced out the colors of original image. The warmth tool is particularly effective in enhancing certain elements of nature. In this instance, the greens in the original image looked too blue, so boosting the warmth added yellow tones to balance the green and make it pop more. With nature shots in particular, use the warmth tool to bring out the mood or season you're trying to capture.对于这张照片,我们把对比度调高25点,亮度调高20,锐度调高10。另外我们还将色温调高30来平衡整个照片的原本的色彩。色温工具用来加强自然元素时尤为有效。以这张照片为例, 原图中的绿色看起来都偏蓝, 调整色温, 就会在在偏蓝的绿色中加入黄色调,使绿色看来更加显眼。在处理自然风光的时候,记得用色温功能来烘托照片的基调,或者用它来强调季节感。
        Situation 3: Food状况3:食物
        Best filter option: Clarendon最佳滤镜:克拉伦登

        The edit: For this overhead ramen shot, we brought up the contrast and brightness 60 and 40 points, respectively. Additionally, we took the warmth down 20 points, and brought both saturation and sharpness up 10 points, to make details more pronounced and give it an overall more appetizing appearance. As you can see, the original is sort of a mishmash of boring beige tones, which is no good when you're dealing with most subjects, especially food. Bringing up the brightness, plus adding contrast to dramatically differentiate between lights and darks, allows the details to pop and consequently makes it look a whole lot more appetizing. Opposite of what we did in the green-hued landscape photo, dropping the warmth accentuates the browns and beiges in the ramen bowl. Drew suggests that whenever possible you should shoot food pics under diffused natural light (e.g., light coming through a window), as it'll be much easier to get a decent shot. 对于上面这张拉面照片, 我们分别将对比度和亮度调高60点和40点。此外, 将温和度调低20点,饱和度和锐度都调高10点,这样能突出整个细节,整张照片看上去让人更有食欲。你可以看到,原图就是一坨混杂在一起的米黄色,这对大部分照片来讲都不好,尤其是食物。通过调整亮度,对比度,使整个照片中的明暗区分开,并细节显现出来,会让人更有食欲。这与我们处理大片绿色的风景照片相反,降低色温能够加强拉面碗中的棕色和米色。Drew还建议,任何时候拍摄食品照片都最好用柔和的自然光(来自窗外的自然光线),这样操作更容易拍出好照片。
        Situation 4: Daytime portrait 状况4:白天的人像
        Best filter option: Juno最佳滤镜:朱诺

        The edit: For this daytime portrait, we bumped up the contrast to 30, decreased the warmth and saturation by 10 apiece, and sharpened it by 10. Drew reminds us that you should do what you can to compose the best raw image so edits are minimal. In this particular instance, that would have meant enabling the camera's HDR (high dynamic range) feature, which captures the same image multiple times at different exposure levels and combines them to create a composite image in which the darks aren't too dark and the brights aren't too bright. 对于这张白天的人像,我们将对比度调整到30,调低温和度和饱和度各10点,锐度调高10。Drew提醒我们应该尽量保持这张照片的原貌,所以调节幅度越小越好。在这种情况下,我们可以选择相机上的HDR(高动态范围)功能,这个功能会用不同的曝光等级拍同一张照片然后再将他们整合,这样暗部就不会过暗,而亮部也不会过亮。
        Situation 5: Sports/action 状况5:运动/动作
        The best filter: Clarendon:最佳滤镜:克拉伦登

        The edit: This one needed to be straightened up a bit, then we brought the brightness up by 30, the contrast up by 50, and reduced saturation by 30. Because of the dramatic ways the lights were hitting, we also took down the shadows by 10 and brought up sharpness by 10. To avoid the dramatic glare of the overhead lights, Drew notes that we could have used our hand's shadow like a shield to reduce how much of the light hitting the lens when we initially took the photo. 这个需要好好说明下,亮度调到30,对比度调高50,饱和度调低30。由于里面有戏剧性的强光,我们还得把阴影调低10,锐度调高10。为了避免头顶出现这么夸张的强光,Drew强调,我们一开始拍摄的时候,可以用手的阴影来当掉一部分直射镜头的强光。
        Situation 6: Architecture 状况6:建筑
        Best filter option: Juno最佳滤镜:朱诺

        The edit: For this architectural shot, we brought down both highlights and shadows by 30 to get a better picture of both the shadow and the glare inside the tunnel, brought saturation down by 20, and sharpened it up by 10. To the untrained eye, the differences between these three are negligible. There have been some subtle changes made, but the fact that it required very few edits speaks to the notion that a low touch is sometimes all you need. Obviously details are important in architecture, so sharpening does a lot to pronounce some of the faint elements here in the wood grain and stone. Drew also noted that there were two ways to go with this image edit -- either try to pull out more detail from the highlights (the end of the tunnel), or do what we did here, keeping the highlights completely blown out/white. In the end, though, it's up to your personal preference. 对于这张建筑照片,将高光和阴影都调低30点来达到阴影和光线在隧道中的最佳配合,将饱和度调低20,锐度调高10。对于非专业人来说,可能看不出调整前和后的差别。其实是有细微的区别的,而这个变化幅度之小恰好说明:有时候轻微的调整就足够了。显然,细节对于建筑来说是非常重要的,而提高锐度则很好地使木纹与石头这些模糊的细节显现了出来。Drew说这张照片可以有两种方式进行编辑,另一种方式是,把高光的部分调到极值,这样照片最亮的部分就可以完全曝光,变成白色。最后,不管怎样,照片的编辑还是取决于个人偏好。
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