英语自学网 发表于 2016-9-30 18:46:14


  A. He was born in New England.
  B. He once worked for Harvard University.
  C. He was Edward Thomas's friend.
  D. He wasn't awarded any prize.
  A. They contain no exaggeration of rhetoric.
  B. They are full of explicit morals.
  C. They force us to think.
  D. The lines and sentences are beautiful.
  A. Farming activities.
  B. The meaning of life.
  C. Revolution.
  D. Morality.

enfive 发表于 2016-9-30 19:05:24

  Robert Frost was born in San Francisco in 1875 andwas sent at the age of ten to live in New England, anarea which inspired almost all of his poetry. He waseducated at Dartmouth College, New England, andHarvard University. He became a schoolmaster for ashort time, and then a farm laborer. During thisperiod he wrote poetry but with little recognition. From 1912 to 1915, he lived in New England, where he became friendly with several poets,including Edward Thomas, and published A Boy's Will in 1913 and North of Boston in 1914. InAmerica his poetry was soon admired, and he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize on four occasionsbetween 1924 and 1943. He went on writing throughout his life, publishing Steeple Bush at theage of seventy-two. He died in 1963. Frost's poems are revolutionary because they lackthe exaggeration of rhetoric. Many of his lines and sentences are plain and in themselvesnothing. But they are bound together and made beautiful by a calm eagerness of emotion. With his close observant eye and touch, we can feel the daily activities of farming and thelandscape be it their background-mowing, apple-picking, or mending a wall. These poemsreflect a humane quiet concern and satisfaction in their rhythms and their gentle lyricism.Often there is an explicit or near-explicit "moral", though sometimes this is hinted at ratherthan stated, and frequently there is an almost proverbial tone. We learn to trust Robert Frost.The very lack of glamour or display in his poem gives them a stability and honesty.
  33. What do we learn about Robert Frost from the passage?
  解析:短文谈到,从1912年到1915年,Robert Frost住在新英格兰,他和一些诗人成为了朋友,包括Edward Thomas,故选C。
  34. What does the speaker say about Frost's poems?
  35. What is described in Frost's poetry according to the passage?
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