英语自学网 发表于 2016-9-29 19:40:13


        One way to meet your goals is to keep a daily task list. This is a handy trick borrowed from the most successful business leaders. Sometimes important deadlines sneak up on us and take us by surprise, so we end up trying to do too many things at the last minute.达成目标的一种方法是制定每日计划。这是大多数知名企业领导者的成功秘籍。有时候,你会惊讶地发现截止日期马上就到了,不得不在最后几分钟时间里匆匆完成大量任务。
        When it comes to school work, this translates into a poor grade!当这种情况发生在学习上,直接导致的后果就是惨不忍睹的成绩!
        Avoid this trap by maintaining a simple task list.每天完成一项简单的计划可以有助于避免这样的陷阱。
        Difficulty: Easy难易程度:简单
        Time Required: 30 Minutes Spread Throughout a Day时间要求:每天30分钟
        Here's How:
        1.Set your goals for a month. Record any large assignments or projects that you need to finish.按月制定计划。记录每一项需要完成的任务。
        2.Divide your big jobs into small tasks. For example, if you need to make 100 science flash card in the next month, you can put "Make 10 flashcards" on your list some days.把大任务分成几个子任务。比如,下个月要做出100张科学课的小卡片,你的计划里就可以规定用几天的时间每天“做10张”。
        3.Prioritize your tasks. For instance, you'll need to brainstorm a project first, buy supplies next, and start creating posters third.任务要分先后。比如,首先要在脑中构象,然后购买材料,最后才开始制作海报。
        4.Use an inexpensive paper tablet or a favorite diary to write down a list of tasks you should complete every day. Keep it on you at all times.用不贵的纸张或者你最喜欢的日记本记录每天要完成的任务,随身携带。
        5.Look at your list at least three times a day. Some tasks can't be completed until others are done or until you've reached a certain destination, like school or the library. It's a good idea to keep checking periodically as a reminder.每天至少看三次任务清单。完成有些任务要等到别的任务先做完,或者要到学校、图书馆等特定的地点才能完成。多次检查提醒自己是个好主意。
        6.You'll find that some tasks just can't be completed. Don't stress about those.你会发现有些任务根本无法完成。别给自己太大压力。
        7.At the end of the day, look at your task list. Mark off tasks that have been completed. You'll have a few left over that can be completed within 15 minutes or so. Complete those.临睡前再看一次任务清单。划掉已经完成的,剩下的任务中有些可以在15分钟完成的,做完这些任务。
        8.Tear off the old sheet, bring all unfinished or unfinishable tasks to a new page for the next day for a new list.撕掉这一页,把未完成的和今天无法完成的任务写到下一页,当做明天的任务。
        9.Observe and re-evaluate tasks that have been carried over for three days. Either finish them first or change them because they're unrealistic.重新评价那些已经拖了3天的任务,要么抓紧完成,要么放弃,因为这些任务可能是不现实的。
        1.Avoid carrying over tasks. Try to complete everything on your list every day. Keep it realistic.避免拖延。试着完成当天的任务。制定切实可行的任务。
        2.List fun things! You should include little rewards for finishing other not-so-fun things. You deserve it! Plus, the more you check things off, the better it feels!计划一些有趣的活动。完成较为乏味的任务时要给自己适当的奖励,因为这是自己应得的!另外,完成的任务越多,自我感觉也会更好!
        3.Add a vocabulary word to your daily task list. Commit to working it into conversation once or twice that day.每日任务清单里面还可以加上几个生词,试着将这些单词用在日常对话中。
        What You Need:你需要的是:
        A paper tablet and pen - that's all!一张纸和一支笔——就这么简单!
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查看完整版本: 终极锦囊,拯救你的拖延症