英语自学网 发表于 2016-9-18 21:51:38


  A. The man and the woman went to the cinema to see a film on space exploration.
  B. Both of the man and the woman appreciated the film on TV very much.
  C. Both of the man and the woman like space exploration.
  D. The woman was impressed by the exploration the man made.
  A. He is curious.
  B. He is impatient.
  C. He is exhausted.
  D. He is satisfied.

entwo 发表于 2016-9-18 22:33:47

  M: Do you remember the film on space explorationthat was on TV last week?
  W: Sure, we watched it together. And it was virtuallythe most impressive one I've seen on that topic. Iwould like to watch it again if I have time.
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
  解析:听到女士说的watched it together即可初步确定答案为B。the most impressive指“印象最深刻的”,是褒义词,故B正确。
  M: This is ridiculous. I've been waiting for my meal for more than half an hour, but still I havenothing to eat. I am starving to death! Can you expedite my order first?
  W: I know. But you see, the restaurant is full and we are shorthanded today. We are quiteexhausted. Sorry for that.
  Q: How does the man feel?
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查看完整版本: 2016英语六级听力改革练习149