英语自学网 发表于 2016-9-5 16:09:06


  A. Their parents cut back the loan to them.
  B. The woman doesn't want to take another English course.
  C. They can't afford the rent of this month.
  D. The woman's boss refused to give her a raise.
  A. Looking for an apartment.
  B. Looking for a job.
  C. Taking a suburban excursion.
  D. Asking the man for his opinions.

enone 发表于 2016-9-5 17:44:24

  W: Strauss, we've got a problem. We don't have enough money to pay the rent this month. I think I'd better ask Mom and Dad for a loan, or ask my boss for a raise.
  M: Well, I don't know. But maybe I'd better not take another English course this semester.
  Q: What's the problem they are talking about?
  解析:本对话中,女士提出他们的困难及建议的解决方法,男士作出反应和补充。C中的can't afford是对原文don't have enough money的同义表达,为答案。A、D是用loan和raise干扰;B的主语张冠李戴。
  M: It's nice and quiet here, away from the dust and noise of city. And our apartments are new and well-furnished.
  W: It's a good place except it is a bit far from the place where we work. Anyway, I'll talk with my husband tonight and give you a call tomorrow.
  Q: What is the woman doing?
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