英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-24 19:36:42


  A. To tour the most famous sights of interest inChina.
  B. To investigate the computer market in China.
  C. To negotiate a contract as well as furthercooperation.
  D. To promote intergovernmental relationship.
  A. They have been cooperating for a couple of years.
  B. They are about to sign the first contract between them.
  C. They have been long-term business partners.
  D. They are starting to get acquainted with each other.
  A. Cooperation and concession.
  B. Equality and mutual benefit.
  C. Exchanging daily necessities.
  D. Introducing advanced technology.
  A. It's setting up joint ventures.
  B. It's branching out into politics.
  C. It computerizes management.
  D. It accepts delayed payment.

enone 发表于 2016-8-24 20:16:53

  W: Sit down, please, Mr. Black. I hope you enjoyedyour journey.
  M: Of course, I did. It was a wonderful trip.
  W: And I suspect this morning we'd like to get downto business. How would you like to proceed with thenegotiations?
  M: I'm here at your disposal.
  W: Let's draw up an agenda for our discussion, shall we?
  M: Fine. One of the items for our agenda would be the supply of computers to China in thesecond half of this year. ]As you know, our current contract is about to expire, andwe will need to discuss a new one.
  W: Certainly, we are ready to hear your proposals.
  M: Something else I'd like to discuss is the possibility of establishing a long-term agreementbetween my corporation and yours.
  W: Yes. So long as it's in the interest of both sides, let's talk about it. Is there anything elseyou'd like to achieve on this visit?
  M: Yes. I'd like to build on the fact that we have had a very cooperative relationship in thepast few years. Your government now has a policy of opening up to the outside world. Myambition is to promote trade between our two corporations. It is said a new policy is beingput into practice in your foreign trade. Is that true?
  W: Yes, but we still stick to a consistent policy in our foreign trade. We insist on theprinciple of equality and mutual benefit, as well as exchanging needed goods.
  M: Would you give us a brief account of the new practices you have adopted?
  W: We have adopted, for example, payment by installments.
  M: We are very glad that you have such a friendly attitude.
  W: It'll benefit both of us.
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. What's the main purpose of the man's visit?
  20. What can we learn about the relationship between the two speakers?
  21. What's the woman's principle in foreign trade based on?
  解析:答案是直接听到的原词。C中的daily necessities是对原文needed goods的误解。
  22. What new practice has been adopted by the woman's company?
  解析:选项为某公司的做法。D中的accepts delayed payment是原文adopt payment by installments的同义表达。
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