If July felt horrendously hot, that’s because it was.若是七月感觉到热得吓人,那是因为真的热成那样。
NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ― two leading global authorities on climate ― both say July 2016 was not only the hottest July on record, but the most sizzling month in the history of record-keeping.美国国家航空航天局和美国海洋暨大气总署这两大全球气象权威称,2016年7月不单单是有史以来最热的七月,还是最热月份的记录保持者。
NOAA on Wednesday said July’s global average temperature was 62.01 degrees, 1.57 degrees above the 20th-century average. NASA, which uses a slightly different methodology, said the average global temperature in July was 1.51 degrees above average. Both agencies pegged July as the hottest month since monitoring began in 1880.美国海洋暨大气总署称七月全球平均气温为62.01华氏度,比20世纪平均要高出1.57度。美国国家航空航天局用的方法稍有不同,称七月比平均高1.51度。两大机构都认定此次7月为自1880年监控气象数据以来最热的月份。
The record continues a global hot streak that scientists have linked to global warming, with average temperatures continuing to climb as extreme weather events occur more frequently.记录持续显示全球热度条带已经和全球变暖相关,平均气温持续攀升,极度天气情况发生更为频繁。
El Niño, a phenomenon highlighted by warmer-than-usual sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific, is capable of changing weather around the globe.厄尔尼洛现象主要特征即赤道太平洋一带海洋表面温度要比一般高。
July’s high topples the previous record set in July 2015. The month of July, when the seasonal temperature cycle peaks in the Northern Hemisphere, usually sees the highest global temperatures, according to NASA.今年七月气温新高打破了之前2015年7月的纪录。据美国国家航空航天局称,这个七月,北半球季节性的温度循环达到顶峰,常可以见证全球最高气温。
NASA, which analyzes weather data from from 6,300 locations around the world, considers July 2016 to be the 10th consecutive record-setting month.美国国家航空航天局分析了全球6300个地点的天气数据,认为2016年7月是第十个连续创高温纪录的月份。
Whitehouse has long urged the U.S. to take stronger action on climate change.The changes we’re living through right now are ones geologists will someday look back on in awe.白宫一直以来就敦促美国采取更有力的措施对抗气候变化。地质学家以后回首我们现在经历的变化,会大为震惊。